Chapter 15 Plan

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After the hunting Luke left and we went back home. I went upstairs and put my earphones in, I was blasting BOTDF. I sat down and started writing in my amnesia book. I was writing for a good hour, then I look up and see Matt sitting next to me reading every word I write.
"Matt!" I yell slamming the book shut
"What cha doing?" He asked
"Stuff, what do you want?" I say coldly, yea I know it rude but he has no right to read that without my permission. His face showed shocked then kindness
"I wanted to know if you want to play Hunger Games."
"Yea sure, but next time you see me writing don't look at it ok?" I place the book on the shelf and walk up to the Game room. Matt walks behind me "hey, I get that your pissed that I looked but I was curious, and if you don't mind me asking what was in the book?"
"it's my amnesia book, if I ever lose my memory." I state we get in the game room but just as sit down I hear Jake call me downstairs.
"What?" I ask walking down the stairs.
"You need to go to the hospital, it's Danny."
I run to my car and Jake follows me. I start driving to the hospital, " how did you find out?"
"Luke called, he couldn't get ahold of you."
Fuck! What happened? What happened to Danny?
We get to the hospital and I run to the room that Danny was in. I walk in and see Luke sitting in a chair next to her bed, "Luke what happen?" I ask
Luke looks at me then Jake, "Ruby, I can't say in front of him. "
I look at Jake, "please can you wait outside?" "Why? Ruby if it's bad I wanna know." Tears fill my vision "Jake please, I beg of you please wait outside." My voice is quiet, fighting back tears.
Jake kisses my forehead and walks out of the room.
"Ruby, it was the race. One of them laced the road in gas, she slammed on the break and sparks flew, she wasn't burned the basterd who laced the road was but Danny, she broke her leg and cracked her skull. They found out that she ran from home, she getting send back to Boston."
"W-when?" I asked sobbing
"A week after she heals up."
"NO! I will not let her go back! I almost died for her! We spent weeks running from the cops and hopping trains, I-I won't let them take her, I won't we'll run for it. I know where to go where they won't find us, but you won't know no one will. We'll visit you once a month so you know were fine and for supplies, and after Danny turns eighteen we'll come out of hiding."
"Ruby you can't. Danny not gonna be eighteen for another seven months."
"WHY NOT! I've been on the run before! I'm still alive! If I have to leave everything behind I will! I'll leave everyone and everything for her! I won't let her go back to the hell hole of a family! Her mothers is dead and her dad is a broke drunk. Her aunt won't take her in and she doesn't have anyone there. She ran from them four years ago and I forged the papers to let her stay here in California. The documents say she can't go back, if they take her back I can sue. But the father will make sure they win so I HAVE to leave Luke. I have to take her with me. She wasn't trained to survive but I was."
"Ruby you can't and that's final!" Luke yelled at me, he hasn't yelled at me in a long time. I run out of the room crying.
"Ruby!" Luke calls after me, I turn around.
"Luke you can't make me stay! I won't stay! I'm leaving with her and you can't do anything, and because your being an asshole you can't know where we're staying now, you were gonna be the only one! But forget it Luke! After she heals me and Danny are leave of the face of the earth and you can't do anything about it!" I storm out of the building and sit on a bench, sobbing my eyes out. After about an hour Jake comes out and sits next to me.
"Ruby, what was that?"
"Nothing Jake. It's nothing."
"Ruby Blaze I love you, and I hate seeing you cry. What's wrong?"
I look up at him, "y-you love me?"
He engulfs me in a hug "yes I do Ruby, I love you. I want to help you, tell me."
"I can't, not here, not here."
"Ruby, let's go home. We'll come visit Danny tomorrow, I promise. It's getting late." I nod and Jake carries me to the car, and he starts driving home.
We get to the house and a call everyone to the living room.
"What is it Ruby?" Matt asks taking a seat on the couch.
"Listen to me because I'm only going to tell you this once, and you can't repeat this to anyone, ever. This, what I'm about to tell you will be buried with you. Understand?" I look all their faces and take a deep breath
"Danny, she's not from California, she's from Boston. You see when I was twelve I ran away from home, I lived in the woods for weeks, I hopped a train to Boston. I found my way to a trailer park on the outskirts of town. That's where I met Danny. We hit it off and became close, like sisters. On my birthday, since Danny couldn't get me anything I asked if she wanted to run away to Los Angeles, where my family was living at the time. She told me she'd do anything to get away from there. Because you see when she was little her mother died, her father was, still is a drunk. And the only other family she has is her Aunt from her mom's side and she wouldn't take her because of her father. So we ran back to Los Angeles and I broke into where my Father works and created documents saying that Danny could stay with her brother, Luke. He was, still in San Diego because he wanted to stay with an old friend that moved and his father let him. But since Luke was underage I forged documents saying that Luke can watch over her until she turned eighteen. But since she's injured and Luke is twenty the documents don't work, not all of them. See, she can stay without Luke until she turns eighteen, but the papers say if she gets injured she gets sent back. And she's injured, so she's getting sent back.." I wiped away the tears the started to form. The room was silent for a while.
"Ruby, what did you mean when you said you were leaving?" Jake asked softly
"Danny can't go back, I won't let her go back. Her life was hell there, I won't let him take her back. So as soon as she heals Danny and I are going to leave, not forever, just long enough so when we coming out of hiding she'll be eighteen."
"What if she wants to go back?" Jake asks
"She won't, it was hell there, literal hell. She'll run with me, she has to."
" why can't she run by herself?"
"Because she won't survive on her own, she wasn't trained like I was. I have to go with her."
"Ruby, I can't let you. I want to let you but I don't want you to leave." Jake tried wrapping me in a hug but I shoved him off.
"Jake even though I love you, you can't stop me, I won't let her go back. I'm going to run and you won't stop me."
I start to walk away when Jake yells
"so your just going to leave us like that? Your going to leave ME just like that?"
I turn around "yes even though I don't want to I have to, because if I don't then I'll lose her, when I get back I know you'll be here, but if I don't leave she'll be gone. I can't lose her. Sacrifice must be made if I want to keep her, and that sacrifice is to leave the face of the earth for six months, give or take a week because she has to get out of the hospital. But I'm leaving, I'll have Luke update you but that's it until she's eighteen."
"You can just give up what we had just like that?"
"No, I can put it on hold."
"You know what Ruby? I won't make you wait, because where done!"
"You know what! Good! and you know what? Now you can have your Barbie Bitch!" I ran upstairs and slammed the door. And started sobbing.
"Jake I thought you loved her? Why did you just just let her leave?" Don asked
"Why can she just give up on us?!" I said back, why can't she see that she doesn't have to go? Yea Danny will be gone for a few months but we can go visit and when she turns eighteen she can come back.
"Jake, didn't you hear her? She was going to wait for you,  put you on hold so she can keep Danny in her life. If Danny goes back then she can't see her ever again, her father make sure of it. You know that Jake. Why can't you see she's running away so she can keep Danny in her life? She was crying when she said she had to run away and not see you. She doesn't want to leave, she has to. And you just let her leave for good now." Levi was shouting at me.
Matt left and went up stairs, about five minutes later and came back and said "she gone. Ruby she left."
I packed up clothes and other items that Danny and I needed to survive in the woods. I knew exactly where to go, the Cove. The cove I found when I ran from home. I was headed for the Cove. It's about a two day walk to the hospital from there. But I was going to stay at the cove until she got better, then I would bring her to the cove. No one knows about it, not even Luke. But i need to grab my katana and Bow first. It was about a ten minute walk to the shed and a twenty minute walk to the bus stop.
I packed my weapons into the duffle back and left, I didn't even bring my phone because they could track me.
I got off the bus and walked for five hours in the forest. I got to the cove. I put my bag in the small cave and started a fire inside the cave, not big enough create smoke but big enough to keep me warm. I looked at my hand a saw the ring Jake gave to me, I didn't care if we broke up, Im still going to where it. Because I still love him.
I went to my room and opened the paper Ruby left me. I'm not allowed to show the boys because that's what Ruby asks. It had and address, time, date, and instructions. I hope this works, Ruby won't fuck it up but I might, I can't have the guys know about this. I won't let down Ruby, she's like my little sister and I'm not going to let her down.

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