Chpter 16 Into Hiding

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It's been about a month since Ruby ran, and since Danny got in the wreck, today is the day she gets discharged from the hospital. Everyone is either going to work or school, I on the other hand is going to pick up Danny and get to Ruby. I got out of the car and filled out the paper work to get Danny out of the hospital and then I went into her room, "hey Danny, you ready?"
"Yea, what time are we going to Ruby?" She asked as we walked out the place, I'm not a fan of hospitals.
"We leave at one."
"But that's in an hour." She states as we drive to the house.
"I know, I need you to grab anything that Ruby needs that she didn't have time to grab."
We get to the house and I walk into Ruby's room and she follows.
"Do you see anything that stands out to you?"
She walks over to the bookshelf and grabs three books.
"Here, her amnesia book, plant info book, but this one she never told me what's inside." She states laying the books on the bed.
"Well, if she doesn't want us to know well leave it like that. What about the plant book? There's a page marked."
"S-she only does that if it's important." Danny had a worried look on her face.
"Let's find out." I open the book to the marked page.
The page 264 was marked. It showed a purplish black berry and underneath it was its name, 'forgetful'.
"If one eats enough, the toxins in the berry shall make the consumer forget their memory, the more the consumer eats the more years the forget." I read allowed underneath it had how many years per berries.
1-5: none
6: half a year
7: one year
8: one and a half years
And so on
"Danny, take the two books, the unknown one we leave, we need to go. It's 12:54." I said.
Danny grabs the two books and we book it the car.
-skips car ride-
We get to the coffee shop Ruby wrote down. Were right on time, me and Danny wait on the second bench near the shop just as Ruby instructed. I see a girl, with teal hair and brown eyes walk to us, "Danny, Matt." She calls in a British accent. It's her, it's Ruby.
Since I had nothing else to do but hunt and make the cave comfy for me and Danny I died my hair teal, I changed the way I talked, well not change it go back to it. You see up till I was four I lived in London. I picked up the accent, not a thick one but an accent. But when I moved to California my father forced me to speak in a 'normal' voice. He even hired a tutor for me to speak normal.
"Danny, Matt." I ask in my British accent. I hope they recognize me. Please do.
"Ruby! It's you!" Danny hugged me
"Nice fake voice Ruby." Matt said, I broke from my hug with Danny
"Matt this is how I normally talk, I used to live in London. But my asshole father forced me to talk 'normal'. It took me awhile to learn to speak with my accent, the whole month I was gone actually. " I explain to him.
"Well it's good to see you.. Ruby you know you don't have to wear that anymore right?" He points to the ring Jake gave me.
"Yea I know, but I want to. Because I still love him, forever and always. Anyways Matt, next month same place, day and time I need you to bring these things with you ok?" I hand him a small list of things we'll need, like toothpaste, and stuff.
"Ok I will Ruby."
I hug Matt, "well it's time to leave, hey Danny you said you always wanted to be a redhead right?" I ask
"Yea, why?"
"Matt when you get the stuff on that list grab red hair dye ok?"
"Yes sure." He nods
"See you soon Matt."
I walk off with Danny and we head to the bus station. The bus arrived and we got on
"Hey Ru? Why did you give a list to Matt? I thought you could survive on your own?" Danny asks after the bus took off
"Well i don't think you wanna eat dear, it's an acquired taste and I don't think you'll like it. So Matt gonna get beef for you, but until next month you'll have to eat berries unless you wanna try deer." I tell her
"Oh, thanks. And Ruby?" She asks looking out the window
"How far is the hideout?"
"We have an hour on the bus then a five hour walk in the forest, get your rest now."
"Ok Ru." She says laying her head on my shoulder, and soon falls asleep.
I walked back to the hideout with Danny in my arms. I didn't want to wake her because she needs as must rest as possible. I lay her down in the bed I made from deer hide. I then grabbed the plant book and set out looking for the berries I wanted.
I got back with a handful of forgetful, I set down the berries on the book and walked over to Danny.
"Wake up Danny, wake up." I said gently shaking her
"What?" She said looking around
"This is it?"
"Yep, the Cove I hid in when I was on the run. Now, I'm going to eat Forgetful, I know you already saw it, probably Matt to, but after I wake up you need to make me read my amnesia book from page forty-two to fifty-six ok? Anything past that and the memories about Jake will flood back. You can't let that happen ok?"
"Ok, but what about the ring?"
"Just say that I'm wearing because of someone I lost, not because there dead but because they let me go. And if I ask anything else about Jake or the ring tell me I can't know or I'll hate it ok?" I grab the berries and sit down next to Danny,
"If I past out it's all normal, ok?"
Danny nods and I take six berries. My vision becomes darker and I pass out.
I get back to the house and the guys are looking at me.
"What?" I say pouring a glass of coke.
"Where were you?" Don asks
"I was out. Why?"
"Where Danny?"
"I don't know." I meant it was the truth more or less
"Are you sure?"
"Then why is two books from Ruby's room gone?" Jake asks, he hasn't slept in weeks, he tells me he regrets breaking up with Ruby almost everyday, when he has free time he sleeps or drinks away the pain. He's a mess without Ruby.
"Because Danny wanted them." It was half the truth
"Please Matt, I know you know where Ruby is, tell me where she is." Jake begged
"I can't."
"Why not?!" He asks, tears start forming in his eyes
"Because she won't say where she's hiding, but we have a meeting spot. I have to meet her there next month on the same day. Same time."
His face lit up, "I-is she ok?"
"She's fine, but she died her hair Teal and she uses her normal voice now."
"Normal voice?" Don asks
"She grew up in London but her father forced her to talk without her accent. She spent all last month trying to get use to it again." Jake hugs me and says "thank you."
"I know, and when I went to give her Danny, she told me she doesn't want to give you back the ring. She's still wearing it."
I smile grew on his face. "When she comes out hiding I want to pick her up with you."
"I, I don't know about that." I said slowly
"Because, she may not want to see you. Just wait until I bring her back to the house. Ok?"
"Fine, but I am going to win her back."
"Oh yea? And how is that?" I ask trying to get his mind on happy thoughts
"You'll see soon." And with that he goes upstairs

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