22 The Key

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The week went by really fast. But I loved spending it with Jake's family. As we were about to bring our things down stairs Mom came in, "dear can I steal you for a minute?" I look at Jake
"Go, I got this Love." Jake walked out of the room and mom sat down on the bed, "you know he loves you."
"I know, I really got lucky."
"No dear, your the first girl he's brought home since he was a freshmen. And the girl he brought home then wasn't a keeper, she left him the day afterwards. Jake really loves you dear. He looks at you like he'll never see you again."
"I've never knew that." I slowly say
"Dear since the day he was born I've wished for him to find someone special. And right now I'm looking at her."
I hugged her with all the strength I had. No one, no one has ever said that the person the want for their son was me.
Me, Ruby Blaze, the girl with a fucked up family, who can fight, who can survive, who is well known because of her bloodline, who has black hair and brown eyes, who is five foot three, who has a horrible past, who loves video games and music, who grew up with her mouth shut, who has trained to survive by her best friend since she was eight, who has built a name for herself because of her voice. Me, she was talking about me.
"Thank you mom, thank you so much."
"Thank you dear." We walk down stairs and say our goodbyes to everyone. As Jake starts driving he asks
"what she say to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You were crying, what did she say?"
"Something, something wonderful."
"Can I hear?"
"No, but what she said was what I needed to hear. I wish I didn't say goodbye."
"We'll see them soon."
"No, I mean I should of said see you later."
"Why is that?" Jake asks looking over at me
"Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."
"That's sweet."
"I didn't think of it, I heard it somewhere from when I was little, I forget though."
I watch the house fade from view and fall asleep.
"Babe! Let's go!"
"It'll be there if we're a minute late!" Jake calls from his room, even though I sleeping it all the time.
"No it won't! I want see it now!"
Jake runs down the stairs and grabs the keys to his car.
"So, will I love this house?" He asks as we walk to the car
"Yes, but it's a little over than what we talked about."
"Ruby! How much?"
"It's only a little over what we talked about because it has four extra rooms than what we talked about."
Jake stops and looks at me "are you?"
"No. I just, you know maybe, in the future we can kinda, like have kids?"
"Ruby Blaze wants to be responsible? What have you done to my girlfriend?"
"It's me Jake! I just, not now. I mean we're still so young and I want freedom for a few more years. But know I want kids one day."
We climb in his BMW and I put in the address to the house and he starts driving.
"So I see the house is about an hour away from here."
"Is that a problem? I mean I want my space from everyone but I still want to see them."
The light turns red and Jake looks over at me "no, it's perfect."
"Here!! This one Jake!"
He stops the car and we get out
"So do we wait for someone to show us around or?"
"I talked to the agency, the said we can look inside as long as we don't break anything." I said holding up a key
"Let's go!" Jake said grabbing my hand and locking our fingers together
We walk up the driveway to the front of the house, the front lawn with a bed of flowers, roses.
We get inside and walk around the first level. We walk in the kitchen and make jokes who's gonna make dinner and things like that.
"Jake, there's two more levels."
"What's the third one for?"
"A game room, duh? And slash a movie room. I mean that's what I thought it Should be."
As we walk up to the second floor and I show Jake our room first.
"" You like? It has a wonderful view!" I say looking out the sliding glass door that leads out to the balcony for out room.
"I love the view." I turn around and see Jake staring at me, I blush.
"Can we go see the other rooms?" I ask
"Yea." I lead Jake to the rooms and we walk around and talk about the neighborhood and look at the third floor.
"So,do you like?" I ask Jake as we walk down to the car.
"I love it, and it's even better since I get to be here with you." He said kissing my forehead
"Then we'll go grab the key tomorrow!" I yip
"Why wait for tomorrow? Let's go now." Jake said as we get inside the car.
"Yea, I want the key now." I kiss Jake and he starts driving to go get the keys, to our house.

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