Chapter 3 Dinner

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About half an hour after I did that Don stopped with the whole 'tryna kill me' thing Jake came up to my room.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Jake, I'm alone. Can I come in?"

I got up from the floor since there isn't a bed and opened up the door,

"So?" I ask

"Oh.. Um Don was going to tell the Dean that you set his jersey on fire, And that would get you into so much trouble. So, I told him that to make up for it you'd make dinner? Please?"

Really? I wanted to get out of this place! Damnit Jake! But it is cute that he's looking out for me. No! They are players. They're just trying to get in my pants!

"Ok? I'm making dinner?"

"Please? Oh please Ruby!" Jake begged

I roll my eyes "I guess, but you owe me, got it!"

"Yes yes thanks Ruby!"

Jake looked at my bare room

"You need a bed? And your not done packing." He pointed at my XL suitcase

"Oh that's not full of clothes. And I do need a bed."

"Ruby you can use one of mine I have like three. I don't need them all."

"Jake, thank you for the thought but I got 'Daddy's' card." I pulled out my fathers credit card out of my back pocket

"Do you have a truck?" I asked

"No, Levi does though."

I roll my eyes "Can 'you' barrow his truck and I take it to go get a mattress and food. Then come home and you say I rode with you?"

".. No, but I could drive while you ride along and we go grab you a mattress and food."

I paused for a minute

"Fine! But if you try anything funny, you are gonna wish you haven't welcomed me here!" I say

"Yea yea ok! Whatever you say Ruby!"

He walked down stairs and I followed.

Levi was in the living room watching a gaming champing-ship.

"Are you watching 'dweebs and dorks' again?" Jake asked

"It's called Skyrim." I say

Levi and Jake stared at me like I told them I'm from Mars.

"What? A girl can't play video games?"

"No... Levi can I barrow your truck?" Jake asked

"Why, are you gonna take Ruby away from me?" Levi winked at me


"She needs a bed and food. She's gonna make dinner."

"Oh what's the babe gonna make?"

Rolling my eyes I say "Whatever I'm in the mood for. Can we take your truck or what?"

"Sure sweet thing! Just don't come back to late! Or I'll punish you." He winked

Shoot me now!

Jake grabbed the car keys and we drove into town


It was silent in the car. So I unlocked my phone and put on some Green Day.

"What is this?" Jake wondered

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