Chapter 2 Roomates!

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"I'm sorry, but we don't have anymore spots left in any of the houses. But if you want we could put her in an empty house?" Mr.Surdruk said.

My mother looked at me and said "Sweetie? Go look around campus, your father and I need to figure out somethings alright?"

"Fine by me, I get to go exploring for my first area of destruction!"

I got up and walked out the office building. The place was larger than I thought.

I went into the woods on the south side of campus and found a old shack, maybe for fire wood or something?

I heard metal music thumping within the walls and smelled cigs nope! Gambling spot!

I yanked opened the door and it was guys, all guys. Four to be exact

"Who the hell invited Retro bitch?" Asked by the one with brown hair and dusty eyes. He had a scar from his temple to his jaw.

And how dare he! Ok yea I'm wearing a black tee with blood spatter and BOTDF's name on it, spiked gloves, a short shredded red skirt with fishnet leggings and black knee high spiked combats. But Bloody hell! How dare he?!

"Listen scar face, no one invited me. I found this place and decided to look around, and you're being an asshole just because your losing."

Silent filled the room. Then he said "I'm not losing I'm wining dumbass!"

I took a step closer "Well unless you can win poker with 2,5,king, and joker I think that's called losing."

He threw his cards on the table

"Valo, calm the hell down!" Said green eyes

Scarf face ignored him and said "listen here you little bitch! I'll kick your ass! Who are you anyway? A no life bitch that's who!"

That motherfucker!

Without a second thought I punched him in jaw with my left fist.

He fell straight to the ground. I stepped on his right hand and twisted my foot, putting his hand in a painful position.
" Listen 'no life bitch' you make talk shit but I took one shot at you and now look where you are!" I took my foot off his hand, kicked his head.

"By the way the name's Ruby Blaze, Bitch!"

And with that I walked out of the forest.

10-20 minutes later I got back to the campus and I heard *Ruby Blaze to the Dean's Ruby Blaze to the Dean's* on the speakers.

Great word travels fast!

I thought I was in trouble already, but no..

My mother and father left without saying goodbye, like always.

Mr.Drunk walked up to me "Ms.Blaze I'd like to walk you to your new house. If you would kindly follow me."

"Where are my bags?" I ask

A guy had them on a cart. Really? I don't need pampering!

I walked up to the guy grabbed up bags.

"No need Ruby." Mr.Drunk informed me

"Ya there is a need! I don't need to be treated like I'm the fucking pope! God damn! I got arms and legs!"

He looked at me as if I was a black sheep. After a few moment he spoke "Very well then, as you wish."

As we walked I didn't say a word, the Fudge roll just mumbled on about the education, clubs, and other random shit.

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