Chapter 8 School of Hell

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"Ruby! Ruby wake up!" Jake yelled from down the stairs

Oh the horror! First day of school! I asked Jake to wake me up early. Not at midnight!

"No! I don't wanna!"

"Ruby I'll you carry you down stairs! Get up!"

"Go ahead! But I'm ass naked! Have fun with that!" I yell crashing my face into my pillow.

"Oh trust me I will! Now get your ass outta bed!"

Whining, I get up and throw on underwear and a hoodie. I went down stairs to turn on the heater

"Jake I'm getting shower first and if I don't I swear to you I will make today so horrid for you you'll wish Don let me live on the roof." I threading

"Ok Blazer, I hear ya loud and clear!" Jake said washing the dishes. I go into the bathroom and take shower. I get out and brush my teeth.

Jake walks into the bathroom and brushes his teeth too. After a moment of silence he spits into the sink and says "wanna ride with me today?"

I spit into the sink and replied "Not today Dearie! Luke brought my car here!"

"Oh, ok then." I went into my bedroom, with a curtain as a door, and got dressed into a scarlet top, black skirt and black fishnet leggings with my knee high combats and a dark red leather jacket.

I went down stairs and made Jake and I waffles. He came down in jeans. only.

"If your gonna wear that to the first day of school I must say that's a little revealing Jake." I say taking a sip of my glass of milk

"Well I don't care if teachers say shoulders are inappropriate imma wear this!" He said making a pouty face. I spit out my milk all over the counter laughing my ass off.

"Oh my - my god Jake! -- You Damn Damn devil!" My chest hurts so bad from giggling so much.

"I try my best! Hey Blazer you wash my clothes?"

"Everything but boxers." I reply getting ahold of my breathing

"Thanks." He says running over to the couch where I put his and the rest of the boys clean clothes.

He slipped on a blue collar tee "this ok?" He asked

I walked over and fixed his collar and said "it covers those shoulders!"

"Good! Thanks blazer!" he quickly hugs me

"So when do the others wake up?" I ask washing our plates

"When I wake them." Drying the plates

"So Ring leader can I wake them? I'm sure they'll love it if I wake them."

"Sure Blazer. Their all yours!" He said running back up stairs into his room.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed firecrackes, fish oil. I went down stairs and grabbed pans and string. I attached string to all the firecrackers, put fish oil on the pans and went into Matt,Levi, and Don's room put the firecrackers on the floor and the pans over them. I lit my end of the string and let the Blaze run into the firecrackers in each of the boys rooms, started hearing them set off and the pans cracked because of the fish oil on them. The boys woke up and ran into the hallway.

"What the hell Ruby?!" Don said

"Wake up! Time for school!" I said

"Walking the stairs Matt said "thanks for the wake up call! Can wait until the Fourth of July!"

And happy with my stunt I pulled I went the game room and played until we had to go.


All was well until lunch. I got my food and Jake called me over his table with the boys and jocks. I declined and went to the the most secluded area I could think of, the roof. I sat there and started eating my salad when Levi came onto the roof.

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