Chapter 5 What if?

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Jake held me in silence, we just sat on his bed. In silence. I didn't move, I felt safe. I just wanted this moment to last forever, I felt. I felt, wanted.

After minutes had past Jake spoke "Ruby, I know you may not hear the sound of this but, I feel like we need to tell the rest of the guys."

I sat there, thinking. Why should we tell? Why do we have to?

"Why?" I asked in a hollow voice.

"Well," he rubbed my back "They're gonna want to know why you have bruises all over, and why you ran into your room and locked the door." He answered.

"My door, you broke it off the hinges." I informed him

"Right.... Sorry. I'll get that fixed as soon as I can. Can we go tell the boys? Or are you not ready?" He asks.

" If I don't now I won't ever," I answer him.

He picks me off my feet.

"I can walk." I protest.

"No, I'm carrying you. No ifs ands or buts." He ordered.

He carried me down stairs and put me on the kitchen counter, he called over the other guys.

"You guys, listen. Ruby wants you know something." Jake said.

I took off his jacket and showed them my bruises and scars.

They all stood there quietly, as if I told them I'm gonna die.


After I explain to them why I have the bruises I went up stairs and took a shower. I changed into a red noodle strap and jeans with tribal patterns, I put on my black leather combats. I went on the roof and jumped off, I left the house without telling them where I went. I went to the gambling shack, where I got my first glimpse of everyone. I piled up on s'more supplies. I grabbed everything I needed to make s'mores and walked farther into the woods. I stopped at an opening I found ten minutes from the shack. I set down the supplies and made a circle around the center of the opening, I got fire wood and lit it with the wood. It's was maybe 8?9? I don't know, I left my phone at my house. Shit! Oh well. I guess I can listen to the sounds of the forest. I started to roast a marshmallow when I heard footsteps. I pulled out a dagger from my left combat and spun around. I pointed my dagger at person behind me.

I look up and see his face, Matt.

"Prepared I see." He says

I put the dagger back in my combat

"What do you want?" I ask

"Why are you out here?"

"Because I want to be alone."

"Alone without this?" He pulled out my phone. It was a IPhone.

"Thanks." I gave a pity smile.

"So do you always have a dagger with you?"


He looked over a saw I was making s'mores "Can I have one? I was wondering when you were gonna use this stuff."

I passed him a metal stick and a marshmallow "How did you know I had this stuff?" I ask.

"I saw it in the shack." He replies.

"Really? I hid it well. I'm surprised you didn't find my Katana."

"Your what?!" He asks in shock.

"A Katana." I repeat.

"You practice?"

"Yeah also know how to use a bow, but I haven't been using it."

"Where is it?" He asks.

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