Chapter 4 Surprizes

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While the boys were eating I blasted BOTDF so loud I'm pretty sure Africa could hear it.

I started sweeping, then wiping the windows down. And many more other boring shit.

Afterwards I ran down stairs and grabbed the paint buckets, brushes, and tarps that were next to the dinner table.

"Ruby!" The boys yipped

"You have to eat." Jake said

"Not hungry!" I sang then ran back up stairs.

I started painting until I fell asleep. I woke up and it was late, really late. The moon was raised high into the sky.

"Ruby. Ruby wake up its 2am." I heard a voice say

I jumped up and almost fell backwards but someone caught me, Jake.

"Woah calm down Ruby your safe."

I looked around looking at the walls I painted. It was artwork everywhere, except for one wall. I didn't do that wall yet. "Did I do that?"

"Yes Ruby you fell asleep while working. You pushed yourself so much. Go sleep."

"No I have to finish. Wait did anyone else see the room?"

"No. Only me Ruby. Go to bed." Jake begged

"No I have to finish."

I start to walk but I fell.

"Ruby go to bed." Jake cried

"No I need to work."

Jake picked me up bridal style.

"Fine but if your gonna work go get some coffee. I don't need you to be a train wreck ok?"

"Ok put me down." I order

"You couldn't walk a single step without falling. I'm carrying you down stairs."

I didn't complain, free ride.

Jake carried me down to the kitchen and set me on the kitchen counter and started making coffee.

"So Ruby, how do you drink your coffee?" He asked

"Black." I respond

"Really no pumpkin spice latte?" Jake joked

"fuck no! " I say.

Then I hear footsteps from the stairs. Levi, Matt, and Don are in their boxers.

"What the yell did you drop? It's 2am!" Don complained.

"I fell." I reply

Jake handed me a mug filled with black coffee and I took a few sips.

"What are you wearing?" Asks Matt

I look down. I'm wear a jean crop top And black high waist shorts. My hair is in a messy bun and I have paint everywhere.

"New look I'm trying out." I joke

"I ain't complaining!" Levi said

"You can look, but don't touch!" I said messing with him.

I slid off the counter. "Welp, I'm going back to work. Thank you for the coffee Jake." I give him a quick hug and start to walk back up stairs.

"Hold it missy." Jake calls

I spin around "what?"

"You didn't eat."

"Not hungry!" I complain

" I don't care your gonna eat something!" Jake informed me


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