21 Family

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"Are you scared?" Jake asked me taking a left
"I can handle millions looking at me on stage but I can't handle this."
Jake stops at a red light and puts his hand on my knee, "yes you can, trust me my parents will love you."
I kiss his cheek. "Your gonna hold up traffic." I told him
He looked at the road and pulled into the interstate.
I turned on the radio, they were playing one of my songs. I was about to change it but Jake turned it up a little and started singing to it. "Stop! Your embarrassing!" I yip
"If you think this is embarrassing wait until we get there."
I roll my eyes and look out the window, " how much longer?"
Jake chuckled "Babe we left the airport an hour ago. We got about two hours left."
We were driving to Jake's parents to stay with them for a week. Jake could of visited with them after we finished school but he wanted to wait until I got back from tour. Jake used to live in Kanas.
"So how many siblings do you have?" I ask pulling my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them
"I have two brothers and two sisters."
"Wow, that's a lot."
"Yea but I love them."
"So what's there names? And how old are they?"
"It's goes Andy he's twenty-six, then Sarah she's twenty-three, then me, you should know I am Twenty."
"Really? I thought you were 12 with how you act." I giggled
"Yea yea Blaze, anyways after me it's Anthony and Dawn. They're twins and both seventeen."
"Lucky you. I'm gonna take a nap."
"Sweet dreams."
I close my eyes and dose off
I wake up and see we're on and old dirt road. I yawn and look at the time, 3:37pm.
We got on that plane really early.
"Hey sleepy." Jake said in a soft voice
"How far are we?"
"About five minutes."
I look at the barren landscape. Nothing but grass.
"Where do you live exactly?"
"Somewhere secluded. From the house the town is fifteen minutes."
We get close to the house and it's a huge house, not like a mansion but a two story light yellow house. With a front porch that has a bench swing. Behind it there's and old oak tree with a tire swing.
"That's adorable!" I yip
He stops and we get out of the car, I open the trunk of the Ukon were renting and he asks "you want our house to look like it?" While grabbing my bag
"Yes but baby blue." I said pulling out his suitcase
I still can't wrap my head around it. Our house. Our own house.
We get out things out of the car and I shut it. We walk up to the front porch and put our luggage down.
Jake knocks on the door, "are you ready?" He asks turning to me
"Not In a million years."
He kisses my forehead, "don't be scared."
The door opens, "Jake!" Yelps a woman in her late forties, behind her is a man in his late forties maybe early fifties.
Jake hugs her and then turns to me, "Mom, Paps, this is Ruby. My girlfriend."
"Hello dear! It's wonderful to meet you!" She saids hugging me, I hug her to.
"Nice to meet you to Mrs. Sanders." I say she let's go of me. "Call us mom and Paps. No need to be formal."
"Ok, sorry it's weird to call anyone that."
"It's fine dear, let's get you unpacked, then we can start the grill." Jake's dad, I mean Paps said.
After we got unpacked in Jake's old room Jake went outside to surprise his siblings. I stayed and helped make lemonade with Mom, Jake's mother.
"Mrs. Sanders, I mean mom. How much sugar do you want me to put?" I ask getting out the sugar bag.
"About two cups. And dear if your comfortable with calling me by my last name go ahead."
"No it's ok, I'm just not use to calling anyone Mom." I say pouring the sugar in the pitcher
"Why not dear? Don't you have parents?"
"Yes, Victor and Azalea Blaze. Sadly they're my parents."
"They're family dear, don't you call them Mom and Dad?" She asks stirring the pitcher while I put away the sugar into the cabinet.
"No, I don't count them as family. I see them as my bloodline, nothing else."
"If ya don't mind me asking, why?"
"It's because they don't treat me with love. I think family is someone you love with your heart, you desire to see when you not with them, you wanna see them smile, you would go to the ends of the earth for them. It doesn't matter if they're your best friend or your boyfriend, if you love them your family. Victor and Azalea, they don't love me, they use me for fame and money. At least they tried to."
"I'm sorry dear." She hugged me and handed me a napkin.
I didn't realize I was crying. I wiped my eyes and threw away the napkin.
"Thank you."
"Anytime dear, and just know no matter what you have family here."
I smile and give a small laugh
"Mom! Don't scare her off!" Jake said as he came into the room
"I'm surprised you haven't already." She said putting the Pitcher on a tray with empty glasses
I start laughing. Jake picked me up bridal style and said "come princess you have to meet my siblings."
"I'm not a princess, and put me down." I said
"Nope! Only the best for my princess."
I blushed and didn't complain, I'm his princess. We went outside behind the house to the giant oak tree with the tire swing and the picnic near it. Two guys were sitting on top of the table and two girls near the tree.

"Guys! This is Ruby." Jake said putting me down

Andy is six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes, Sarah has dark brown hair and green eyes, and the twins, Anthony and Dawn are have light brown hair and hazel eyes.
After the BBQ Jake took out back way behind the house to a meadow, it was maybe seven and the sun was starting to set. We walked hand in hand in the meadow, it was something out of a movie I swear.
"So, how do you like it here?"
"I love it here, your family is amazing Jake."
"Good, because your gonna have to put up with them for the rest if the week."
"I don't want this week to end."
"Why not?" Jake asked as he stopped walking
I turned to face him, " because then I'll have to start writing again, then go record, then have to tour."
"But we have until then."
"True, and well have more time because I've already finished writing the songs while I was on tour, so we get more time to find our house! That is still something so weird to say, our house. Jake, our house. That is something so big to wrap my head around."
"Same here, but I'm glad it's our house. Just, me and you."
Jake wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me, "I love you Ruby."
"I love you Jake."

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