23 Notes

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It been a good year and a half since we moved into the house. Today we're going to visit everyone at Matt's condo that's he's sharing with Don.
As we get inside Jake tells me he went to go do something and he'll be back real quick. And that he going to use Don's car.
"Hey!" I say hugging Don, then Matt.
"Hey! It's been forever since we've seen you! Miss.singer." Don says
"Yea, I've been all over. It's good to take time off though."
"Hey, so it's been forever so I know I'll win but, I challenge you, Ruby Blaze! To hunger games! "
Oh it's on! But on one condition, I fight against both of you at the same time."
"Oh feeling cocky now?" Matt says running to their game room
"No, I feel determined."
After about and hour and Jake still isn't here.
"Guys? Where Jake?"
"Somewhere." Don says
"Where?" I ask
"He wants to play a game. He said to give you this note around this time."
Don gets up and grabs a note from his room.
It's says........

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