Chapter 13 Hunting

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(Half a week has past)
I was in my room, on the floor next to my bookshelf writing in the black leather bound journal I always do. Jake came into the room and I closed the journal.
"What cha doing babe?" He said walking over to me
"Nothing." I bluntly said
He tried to grab the leather bound book when I slapped his hand away, "sorry, it's just you can't see what's inside. Ever." I said putting my journal back into its place on the fourth shelf from the bottom.
"Well then I won't look, what about this one?" He said as he pointed to the blue hard cover journal.
"it's just mostly for.., no never mind it's stupid." I said as I put my hair behind my ear
"No, it's not stupid. Tell me Ruby." He begged as he sat down next to me
"It's part of survival, like if I ever lose my memory it's basic facts about me that I need to know."
"Oh, that's a smart idea actually. Ruby you wanna go out with the boys tonight?" Jake asked as he slipped his hand into mine.
"I would love to but tonight's the full moon. I can't, I'm sorry Jake."
"Oh, ok. It's fine, if training is important to you then that's what you'll do."
I kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry Jake." I walked over to my closet and opened it
"It's fine Ruby, I promise. What are you looking for?"
"My gear, here!" I pulled out my black leather combats, a white shirt, and white leggings.
"Ruby even in the dark you can see white from everywhere."
"Tonight isn't basic training, it's hunting night. Tonight Luke has to try to find me and capture me. But I get a half hour start."
"Oh, hey Ruby how do you tell if you get better or worse or improve?"
"Luke has camera set up in the trees, his van get the live feed, I mean he doesn't look to see where I am but he records the footage so we can look over the next night." I said as I changed into my gear
"Ruby I have a crazy idea, if it's ok with Luke can we watch the hunting?"
"Yea, you'd have to watch from inside the van though."
"So it's ok?"
"Yea, he won't mind, and you can turn around now." I said
"Cool, when do we leave?"
"Now, it's about a twenty minute car ride and Luke has to explain the rules." I head down stairs and Jake followed
"Boys!" I yelled
"What?" Said Matt
"Wanna watch me survive the night from being hunted?"
"Where's Levi?"
"At work."
"Good, because he's not allowed to watch my performance, it'll give him an idea of what he's going up against." I say as I grabbed my keys and walked out of door.
€ skips car ride €
"So that's the rules, don't break the cameras ok?" Luke said
The van was parked outside the forest, we were out in the middle of nowhere.
I put the blindfold on Luke, "when you here the beep take off the blindfold."
"Good luck Blazer."
"I don't need it." I say, I walk into the forest, I look at the sky. About an hour of daylight left. If I want to capture the Hunter I need to hurry.
Sorry it was short! But I busy with stuff and things. And Halloween! I got so much candy!
What were you for Halloween?
I was a Pirate, arr! XD
Next update: the latest, Friday. But maybe sooner!

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