Chapter 20 Traveling

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It's been a long eight months on tour, and today is the day I get to see the guys and Jake. I couldn't wait to get off my Tour Bus I almost face planted into the cement. I ran up to the door of the house we stayed in when we were in school, my mother wanted me to stay at the house until I got back from tour. I opened up the door to the house and was greeted by Don, Matt, and Levi.
"Where's Jake?" I ask looking around
I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Jake at the bottom of the stair case, he must of heard the door open. I hug him and start tearing up a bit, he let's go of me and kisses my forehead, "don't cry baby, I'm here."
I smile wiping my eyes.
"Happy nineteenth birthday Ruby." He says hugging me again.
It was almost Christmas, I was nineteen now, Danny was twenty. And Sam was twenty also, even though we don't talk much anymore, I guess because of the tour.
"Hey, I need to go get my bags from the bus." I said untangling my arms from around Jake.
"I'm helping." Jake picked me up and carried me out to the bus.
It was Christmas Eve and everyone was here, the guys, Jake, Luke and Danny.
I sat down with Luke before I went on tour and he's glad I went against him. He has his baby sister back, for good.
Don was picking out a song to play on the phone speaker and Matt was lighting up the fireplace. I walked into the room and handed everyone eggnog. I sat down in Jake's lap and he pecked my lips.
"So, what do you want this year?"
"Not much, just to be here with you." I responded.
All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door.
"Did anyone encore someone over?" I ask turning to center of the room
The shook their head or said no.
I walked over to the door and pulled it open, "Victor. Azalea." I said bluntly
Why were my parents here? Why?
"Ruby! It's been long since we've seen you last! Look at her Dear!" My father said with joy and a fake smile
"Cut the bullshit. Why are you here?"
"To see you of course!"
My father handed me an envelope with a card and lots of money, I didn't even open it. I threw it at there feet.
"Bullshit. Now, I'm giving you to the count of ten to tell me why up your here or I'll throw you off my property."
"Ruby, it's my property. I payed for it."
"Wrong. You left in my name so I could deal with anything that broke. Now tell me."
My mother looked at me and tried to grab my hand, I pulled it away.
"Ruby, me and your father wanted to spend time with you, and to celebrate your new career!"
"So it finally broke? Your company is finally in debt with Russia! And you want to shake me for money!"
"Ruby, your our daughter! You will help us." My father gave me a deadly look
"Family?! You beat me until I passed out! You almost killed me and Azalea always turned the other way! I'm not helping you."
"Yes you are." My father raised his hand
"You can go to jail." My mother said
"I have dirt on a judge. He'll help."
"Get off my property, now!" I yelled
"My father tried to slap me but I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind and under his shoulder blade, I got out my dagger and held it against his throat "I know which judge you have dirt on, and I know everything about your company. Now when I let go of you you and Azeala here are gonna leave this property and never come looking for me again. And if you do, the last sight you'll see is your blood slipping onto the floor with one eye while I scoop out the other and cut you your tounge. And trust me that won't be the beginning of your torture ok, Father?"
"You little bitch!" My father yelled
I held the dagger tighter against his skin, daring to cut it.
"Do you want to leave this property breathing or in seven different body bags?" I ask with lust in my voice
I could do it right now, and run. Run away from the world again. It wasn't that hard.
"Breathing." My father calmly said
I let go of him but made sure the blade nicked him.
The both ran off into the cold night. I grab the money from the envelope and saw there was five grand inside. I took the money out and slid it in my back pocket. I turned around and saw Jake standing there, with fear on his face.
"You ok?" He asked
"Yea."I said walking past him
"Ruby," he said grabbing my arm and spinning me around
"Were you actually gonna do it?"
"Kill him? If he asked for it."
"But then you would get sent to jail."
"No, Jake I know how to clean up my messes. And besides my mother wouldn't do shit, she would be to caught up in the death money she got from insurance."
" I-I saw it."
"What?" I asked
"The reflection in the window, I saw the fire in your eyes. You wanted to kill him."
"I still do." I said flatly
"Ruby, let's run." Jake said looking into my eyes
"From the world?" I asked
"No, from here. Let's, Ruby I want to move in with you. I want to get a house, our house." He said with plead in his eyes. I kissed him. "I would love to."
He kissed me "good because Don, Matt and Levi are getting in the way a bit."
I smirked "is that so?"

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