Chapter 9 Fresh Scars and Sealed Promise

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I wake up on the ground. I'm still at the party.

"Yo! Jake get up we need to go to the hospital!" I heard Don say handing me Tylenol

"Why?" I asked, thank god I don't have horrid hangovers

"Ruby's in the hospital. You had a voice message on your phone."

"why my phone?" I ask grabbing the keys to a teammates car

"Ask the nurse when we get there." Levi said hopping into the car.


We get to the front desk

"Ruby Blaze?" I ask the lady

"Room 207 down the hall to your left."

I ran to the room as fast as I can. The guys don't want to see the damage so I go in alone. I walk in and see Ruby with a broken arm a cast around her chest and her head bandaged. She's in a coma. At least that's what the clipboard attached to her bed says.

I walk over to her the side of the bed and pull up a chair. I look over at the counter by the bed. Her phone is sitting there. I unlock it and see the last call that was made. It was sent out to '❤️Prince?❤️' at 4:19 am.

I look at my phone at the missed call. It was from Ruby at 4:19 am.

I set down her phone and a nurse walks in. "Miss, do you know why she was in a crash?" I ask

"Well, she was crying about something. We have no clue though. And you can't ask her until her wakes up." She sets down a glass of water for me and leaves the room.


Three weeks and Ruby still hasn't woke up. I sit down and so does Levi.

"I was searching the internet on how to wake up someone from a coma. Wanna try?" He asks

"Worth a shot."

For the next 30 minutes we sit there saying names and phrases that we said a lot around Ruby, but nothing works.

"Imma go get a drink." Levi walks out of the room

Think! Damnit think! What did I say to Ruby? Something that'll click?!

I know, this better work.

"Forever and Always."

I sat there waiting for what felt like eternity, I stand up to walk out the room. When I heard a weak voice "Jake?" I turn around and see Ruby's eyes open.



I open my eyes and see I'm in a hospital. I see a figure walking out the room "Jake?" I ask, my voice hollow.

"Ruby!" He cries, grabbing my hand he says "I'm so glad to have you back! Don't ever do that again! Ever Ruby! Ever!"

I think over my last memories, right I was driving then it went black.

"How long have I been here?" I ask

"Three weeks." He says "three weeks."


( it's November 7 )

Another week and a half has past and I finally get released from the hospital.

Matt's driving.

"So is my door fixed?" I ask Jake


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