Chapter 7 Picking

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After a month and a half we've grown as a group. Through all the fun and serious. I've even won 200$ in gambling against Don. Ever since I've moved to the campus I've felt, I've felt at home. But home was gonna have a change.

I went down stairs and grabbed the mail from under the door, there was five envelopes from the school. Classes... Great!

"Guys!" I yelled

Minutes later the came down in sweat pants and old tees.

"They want to make sure we know Hell's coming." I ask

"Who?" Matt asked

I threw the mail on the kitchen counter, they picked up the one with their name on it.

"I don't wanna!" Levi moaned

"Do we get assigned classes?" I ask opening my envelope

"No. You get to pick." Jake informed me

"Oh. What year are you guys in this year?" I ask

"Junior." They all said at once

"You?" Matt asked

"Same." I reply

"What class order are you choosing Ruby?" Jake asked


"So I know what classes I'm gonna have with you."

"Not saying." I say as I grab a pen and start filling in what order I want to deal with hell.

"C'mon Ruby!" Jake whined "at least give me a riddle!"

Oh Jake, how you love my riddles!

"Fine!" I say rolling my eyes

"First I shall feel see the sun rise and smell the grass and feel as if though I must push past the air. Second I must learn where they failed and learn how I can stop it from happening again. Third, I must focus on how everything is what it is for a reason. Fourth, I must learn the words of America. Fifth, I must learn to use expressions for an amount. Sixth, I must learn to create beauty on a blank page. Seventh, I must learn how to create sounds of wonder with my voice."

Jake stares at me with confusion.

"Ruby I swear. I can never figure that out!" Don said

"P.E. And history are the first ones." Jake said

"Correct." I confirm

I seal my letter and put it on the counter. I walk up the stairs and go into the game room. I wanted to enjoy the last of my free days before I must put on the shackles of Mr.Drunk's hell.


Look I know this was a short chapter but I am gonna be updating VERY soon!! And trust me, Ruby is gonna have some people in her path.
Btw Thank you for 30+ reads!!


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