Chapter 12 Eve and Eggnog

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" I know that I'm not perfect I fuck up and make mistakes

but I'm man enough to admit to it the truth you can't erase

Your getting so creative with my pictures in your photoshop

Making something out of nothing with your fabricated photo op!"

I was playing crucified by your lies while I was making eggnog for everyone in the kitchen while Matt went to go get firewood for the fireplace from the garage. It was Christmas Eve and we were snowed in, who knew how much it could snow? It was piling up the front door!

Jake came up behind me and hugged me.

"So Ruby? How do you celebrate Christmas?"

"What do you mean?" I said putting all the mugs of eggnog on a tray and setting them on the coffee table in front of the fire place.

"What's your tradition? Like mine is to wake up on Christmas morning and blast Christmas music until my siblings woke up." Jake grabbed his mug and took a sip.

"Well I would stay at Luke's house a lot. I remember I would drive the three hours through traffic and get to Luke's house and we would sit by the fire and talk about when we were little, memories, hopes and dreams until midnight. Then we would open our presents. But Luke isn't here tonight. It's gonna be the first Christmas I haven't had with him since I was eight." I look at the fire and watched how it slowly ate at the wood Matt put in it when all of a sudden I here the front door open.

I run over and see Luke covered with snow! I hug him not caring if he looked like a snowman.

"Did you think I'd miss Christmas?" He said as we messed with my hair.

"I was starting to believe it, but I'm glad I was wrong." I help wipe off the snow and make Luke a mug of eggnog.

We all sit by the fire, all of us. I smiled from ear to ear.

"What is it Blaze?" Levi asked

"Well, I mean this what a family looks like on Christmas right? It's always been me and Luke so I've never actually seen what-"

"Yes Blazer, this is what a family looks like on Christmas." Jake said cutting me off. He wrapped his hands about my waist while I was sitting in his lap. We were all on the floor by the fire, it was a happy moment, but turned embarrassing when Luke said "so Jake, has Ruby told you about the Roof incident when she was 11?"

I tackled Luke and sat on top of him, "I swear Luke if you say a single word about that I will kill you! You promised you would never talk about it!"

"Well family doesn't count!" He said flipping us over so he was on top of me. He stood up and took a sip of his eggnog and leaned back on the couch getting comfy, "It all started at dusk......."


We sat there by the fire for hours. We talked about our memories, hopes and wishes, it was fun.

"Wait so let me get this straight, once every month on the full moon, Luke chased you through the woods and was shooting at you with arrows?" Don said with a bewildered look on his face

"Yea, Luke taught me how to survive and protect myself since I was eight, it was one of his Christmas gifts for me. I got hit only once though, it's right here." I held out my left arm and pointed to the scar that led from the back of my shoulder and wrapped around to the front of my upper arm.

"That's a nasty one I gave you to Ru." Luke said getting more eggnog

"Wait there's more?" Jake said in a wary tone

"Jake it's fine the worst one he ever gave to me was when we were playing war and he snuck up behind me while I was washing my face in the river. He jumped on me and pulled out his blade but I elbowed him in the jaw, I saw him coming!" I yelled the last part of me sentence

"Hey wasn't my fault I forgot to check!" Luke said in defense

"Rule number 23, 'if sneaking upon an enemy check surrounds for reflections'." I quote from memory, Luke basically trained me as a warrior.

"Where's the scar?" Levi asked

I turned around a pulled my hair up on top of my head to show the scar that ran from the left side of my neck to my right side in a diagonal line.

"She's a fighter, stubborn too!" Luke said sipping his eggnog

"I don't know what your talking about." I say in a sarcastic tone, letting go of my hair

I stand up and stretch, I look at the clock and see there's only two minutes until midnight. Being me I start squealing and jumping around like I won the lotto.

"What's she doing?" Matt ask

"She does this every year when there's a minute up until midnight." Luke responded

5..4..3..2..1.. "Midnight!" I scream I run over to Luke and bear hug him after a minute he lets ago and says "calm down Ru. So who's gonna go first?"

No one says anything but they all turn to me, I break the silence by saying "I volunteer as tribute!" They start laughing and I run over to the pile of presents finding one with my name

I grabbed a fair sized box that had snowman wrapping paper, I open it and it was a game I've been dying for, The Last of Us. I hug Don, "thank you!" "
Nah it wasn't much."
"Are you kidding me?! I was dying over this game! How did you get it? It's not even released yet!"
"I got my ways." He smirked
Levi looked at me, then handed me a box, and inside the box was a date, "so this is the date I'm gonna kick your ass, nice."
"We'll see Ruby." Levi smirked
Luke got up and handed me his present, it was a map. "Your getting rusty Ru."
At that moment I knew what we has planning. "I call war!" I yell
"Or gonna lose Blaze." Luke said taking a sip
"Don't bite your tounge get to hard, or that redhead can't kiss you no more." I said putting the map back in the box.
Luke chocked on his eggnog, "y-you know?!"
"Rule number 14 'if acting even slightly different find out the cause.' And besides don't act like I couldn't see that hickey from last Tuesday Lulu."
I took a sip from my mug and Matt handed me his gift. I open it and see he got me a guitar, "oh my god Matthew! You didn't!" I yipped
"But I did!"
"Hey hey! Don't be tryna get my girl!" Jake said
"But my name is Mr.Stealyogurl!" He said trying to lean back but fell, he all laughed
"Here Babe." Jake said handing me his gift, it was a small white box. Tied with blue ribbon, I open it and see a necklace, A diamond necklace.
"Oh my god Jake Andrew Sanders!" I kissed Jake
"Hey, only the best for my girl!"
With that we the boys open their presents and talk for the rest of the night.
Ok so I know I was late with this update but I was stumped about how to write everything and stuff. So here ya go!
Next update: hopefully Saturday

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