Chapter 11 The Tree

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"The tree where that smile shall be."

"Why couldn't he just, ya know, take me there himself?" I ask while Don throws me a towel.

"He didn't say."

He walks out if the room so I go up stairs and change into a blue tank top, jeans, and my black all stars.

I hopped into my car and started driving. I knew where to go but why to go there. I was going to the giant oak tree. I remember when I went on a walk with Jake on a unknown trail we walked past it and told him it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. The one where Alice meets the Cheshire Cat. I love the thought of Wonderland so much! I don't know why I was going there or if it was the place, but it was the only tree that came to mind.

I pull up near the trails and walked to the tree, when I got there Jake was waiting there with a white rose.

"My Blaze." He said taking a bow.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I just wanted to get you to myself. And have a picnic date with you." He leaned down and kissed me

"Well I love the spot you chose." I said taking the rose.

Jake walked me over to the clearing the was surrounded with trees, where he laid out food and drinks for us.

I sat down and so did he.


I wake up in the dark, still outside. I look at my phone and it read 11:30pm shit! I was having an awesome time with Jake and we where looking at the stars we must of fell asleep.

"Jake! Jake wake up!" I tap on his shoulder, nothing

"Jake!" Still no answer.

I kiss him, and what do ya know? He wakes up!

"Really?" I ask

"What?" He asks sitting up

"I yell your name a thousand times but you only wake up when I kiss you."

"True loves kiss!" He smirked "Hey you brought your car right?" He asks standing up

"Yea. Did you bring yours?" He pulls me up

"No I walked here actually."

"Ya know your lucky, if I didn't bring my car we'd be screwed."

We started pack up the things into the basket.

"Aw Blaze. Why not a 'you did all of this for me?!' Or a 'your so sweet!'? " he says while walking to the car

"Well that's what a lot of girls would say."

"Yes, the would say that." Jake says agreeing with me

"But there's a flaw in that question." I say as I unlock the my car and hand Jake the keys

"And what's that?"

"That I'm not like a lot of girls Jake. Infact! I'm completely different than most girls."

We get in the car and Jake starts driving home.

"Ah I see Sherlock. I was mistaking." He said in a British accent

"Yes Watson, incredibly so." I agree in a British accent as well.


Jake's POV

"Where's Ruby?" Asked Levi

"Here!" I yell walking down the stairs

"So Ruby, you have good aim in games, question is are you in the real world?"

"I am."

"Then, I challenge you, Ruby Blaze, to a paint ball fest!"

Paint ball? try being hunted through the woods by Luke with arrows whizing by your head. Yea.... I should mention Luke trained me to survive and protect myself.

"Deal. When?"

"Soon Ruby. Soon."

"question! Armor or no armor?"

Levi gave me a look like I was crazy.

"Whatever we choose when the time comes."

"Ok but to make it fair we can't know the lay out of the arena, Don! Your the lucky guy to pick our arena, somewhere scluded and hidden, like out in the backroads yes? When the time comes Jake will buy the gear for us so we don't cheat with better gear so damage the other's ok?"

Now all the boys were staring like I was a talking cat! Well, goes to show how much they really know about me.

"Now I'm going upstairs to my room, don't bug me."

Walking up to my room I wonder I'm gonna get the boys for Christmas....

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