Part 24 Will you?

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Don handed me the note and it read " everyday you go into the room and sometimes I kick you to your doom ;) "

"He's sending me on a hunt? Why?" I turned to Don.

"He wouldn't say."

I scowled at him

"Hey! I swear I'm telling the truth!" He threw his hands up

"Fine. But I know where to go. If all the clues are like this I'm gonna win in no time."I said as I went to my car.

I went to the old house that we use to live in when we went to school, they don't use it anymore because something happened to the water line or something I think they don't want to use it just because though. I went into the game room where I remember Jake punching me off a cliff on our minecraft server. And as he did it he said "I kicked you to your doom Blazer!"

I go to the Logo wall that has another note on it. " not blood, but family though. You put firecrackers in it and his company got sued."

Sued. Sued... Aha! Luke! I hop into my car and drive over to Luke's work. I push open the front doors and yell "oh LuLu! Where are you!" In a sing-song tone.

He walks up to me and says "one, stop calling me that. Two here's your clue." He handed me the note and it read " on our third date I took you to this place. You asked for cookie dough, it a place you always go."

Third date and cookie dough...... I scream Wonderland!! I love that little ice cream parlor! Everything on the walls are hand made. The ice cream is to die for. It's fucking Wonderland themed!

"Thanks LuLu!" I hug him

"Hey I only wore that tutu once! Your not gonna let go of it are you?"

"Never!" I smile and walk out to my car.

I drive to the shop and walk in. I go up to the chick who's at the counter "Hi, so this gonna sound kinda funny. My boyfriend sent me on a scavenger hunt and the last clue I got sent me here."

" Ruby Blaze?" She asked

I nodded. She handed me the note and said "good luck."

I started walking out of the shop and said "thank you!"

I got back to my car and read the note " go to the place where dresses are made. Ask for Charlotte and say your name."

Dresses are made? Oh!!! I remember the dress shop where the make gorgeous dresses! We drove by it a couple times and I pointed out to him a dress in the window that I thought was cute.

I walked into the shop and asked for Charlotte. "Ruby Blaze." I state

"Ah yes, follow me." I follow her to the changing room and she point me to door 4. I walk in and inside is a blue dress that looked like an exact replica of Alice's from Wonderland. A necklace that has the key from the beginning of Alice's story. 2 inch black shoes with little bows on them. White stockings. A blue,white, and black bow. And the next clue. "My dear, go to the tree, where the smile shall be." 
I get changed and look in the mirror, wow. I look like Alice besides my black hair and brown eyes
I run to my car and drive to the tree. 
I run to up the trail and get to the tree. There I see Jake standing there in a suit with a purple tie, he has a bouquet of White roses in his hand. I walk up to him and he hands me the roses. 
"Ruby Luster Blaze, I know your rare and hard to find, your the most wonderful person I've ever met, and without you I'm a reck, I can't go a minute without thinking of you. I love you Ruby, I have since I was seventeen and I know we might be a little young, but I want be with you in this crazy Wonderland and what I'm trying to say Ruby, is will you be my Alice?" Jake gets down one knee and pulls out a ring box. 
I've been dating Jake for six and a half years now, and I wasn't ready for ready for this. 
I cover my hands with my mouth I'm crying. I nod my head because I lack any control to say yes. He slips on the ring and I hug him crying tears of joy. After I calmed down I look at the ring, it was silver and had a huge diamond in the center and small sapphire stones surrounding it on the band. 
I just got engaged to the person I love. And he did it in the most amazing way I could ever think of. 
I'm getting married.

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