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pov !

i continued to destroy some bots and i couldn't stop thinking about that half and half girl, i would be lying if i said she's not beautiful but heck fuck her for calling me twat. i am obviously stronger than her.

i suddenly heard an explosion and out of curiosity i went to where the sound was coming from, some students went there too and i saw the girl i kicked earlier. she was hugging pinky but half and half looks like she's dizzy and with that she blacked out.

my eyes widened and ran to them, i didn't hesitate to carry her in a bridal style.

'what the fuck am i doing?' i thought but my body was saying so. i ran to the nurse's office and lay half and half girl on the clinic bed, the recovery girl approaches us and she worriedly looks at her.

"oh dear what happened to your girlfriend?" i couldn't believe what she said about her being my girlfriend but i answered her anyway, "she destroyed a giant robot and fainted." i told her. she nods and started kissing her at the head it was kinda weird but it's for her good.

"she's gonna wake up after a few minutes or an hour please look out for her while she's here. i'll be checking out if there are other students who are injured." she said and i obeyed.

i look at half n' half and she looks really tired maybe she doesn't have the enough power to handle that bot, I guess her quirk can be really strong but it needs skills.

as i was staring at her face i noticed she's actually really beautiful, she has a sugar-like skin and clear skin but after beating up that bot she has a few scratches at her legs and face however it can heal up fast.

i suddenly felt bad when i kicked her it must've hurt since her knees hit the ground. i sighed and continue to stare at her until the door opened.

there revealed a guy that has the same hair as half n' half they also have the same eyes, 'oh so two half n half then.' i thought and raised a brow at him, "are you her boyfriend or something?" i asked and he looked at me in disbelief. i mean they both have matching hair though.

"no." he answered and i was the one who's looking at him in disbelief, he really gave me a short answer but who cares anyways. he walk closer to half n' half and sat at the other chair in the other side of the bed making him face me.

"how about you? are you her boyfriend?" he sharply asked with those glaring eyes of him, i gave him a chuckle and shook my head "nah who would date a loser like her." i said rolling my eyes.

"hey y/n is a nice girl don't look down at her." he said while looking at her, "who are you anyways?" i asked.

"i'm her brother. todoroki shōto." he introduced and i gave him a nod.

'todoroki y/n? that's a nice name." i thought.

"katsuki bakugou." i introduce myself as well. i turn my head to look at y/n and she was starting to wake up, her orbs met mine and her eyes widened.

"what the fuck?" she said in shock while looking at me and rub her eyes, "what am I doing here?" she asked still not noticing her brother's presence "you fainted at the entrance exam earlier loser." i told her and her eyes twitched.

"nani?!" she face palmed and finally looks at her brother "oh shōto you're here too i didn't notice, who bought me here anyway?" she asked and i blushed madly.

"that guy." the stupid bastard answered when i was planning on not telling her "huh?! i didn't you fucking dick--"

"that young boy did bought you here." the recovery girl came out of nowhere and i knew there was no chance that i can lie about it anymore. i look away avoiding y/n's gaze feeling embarrassed. it was the first time i got worried at a girl and carried a girl to a nurse's office i would always ignore people.

"thank you hedgehog guy really. you might be such a dick but i know there's a part of your heart that's a softie,you wouldn't help me if you didn't care." she said with a smile and made me look at her in shock. i couldn't help but relax at what she said, she was right.

"who cares you fucking shit." i rolled my eyes and look away again, i stood up to leave.

"i'll get going then you should be careful next time weak head." i smiled but they didn't see since my back was facing them, i walk away and left the nurse's office.


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