twenty one.

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 ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‎CHAPTER TWENTY ONE

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as i was running to where the location was searching on every corner i suddenly got another notification, this time from katsuki

'oi half and half what you doin?'
- sea urchin <3

i groan in annoyance at how bad timing he sent me a message, he could have messaged me earlier. i ignored his message leaving it on read, i finally found where midoriya was and saw stain about to stuff his katana on tenya.

"oi hero killer! good thing i arrived. you're such a pain in the ass, my man just messaged me too bad i have to deal with you first." i said with a dark expression as i made a column of fire and ice to attack stain, but he managed to dodge it.

"y/n!" tenya and midoriya both shouted in unison everyone's attention were on me now.

"sorry hero killer but i guess i'll be your villain killer today." i smirked as i catched his blade that was thrown into me "hit or miss little bitch." i said and made a column of ice at him of course still managing to avoid it, "y/n don't let him draw blood! he can paralyze opponents by ingesting their blood!" midoriya shouted and i twitch my eyes in disgust "that's pretty disgusting." i rolled my eyes.

i widened my eyes as he threw another blade that gave a cut on my right cheek, he was about to lick it but a familiar fire quirk met stain's face. i look behind to see shōto "todoroki you're here too?!" iida shouted "todoroki-kun!" midoriya shouted as well.

i backed away and quickly went to shōto's side. he made an ice sledge making midoriya, iida, and a pro hero to slide into where we are keeping the distance away from stain. "you've got good friends ingenium." stain said with a creepy smile.

after a few minutes we finally managed to make stain unconscious and definitely beaten up. i sighed in relief finally it was done, we tied him up as pro heroes arrived. i learned at gran torino is actually where midoriya has to do internship with.

'i wonder what will happen since we don't have our license yet, we're not allowed to fight villains.' i thought.

i grab my phone and widened my eyes at the sigh of how many katsuki's message sent me. i slightly smile seeing his angry messages on how i didn't reply back instead reading it only.

i was about to reply back but i felt a blood fall down my cheek i look up to see a winged-nomu carrying izuku, i was extremely shocked when stain gained his consciousness and licked the winged-nomu's blood off my cheek.

he activated his quirk and the nomu was falling down, stain quickly grabbed midoriya and threw him away as if he was saving him. stain killed the nomu and is now looking at us.

everyone couldn't do anything and stare at the sight of stain's terrifying face, we were all taken a back at his sudden dark aura. i fall down in my knees in fear he declared that he will only let all might to defeat him, he starts to walk towards us but suddenly stopped.

everyone was still stunned even if hero killer already lost consciousness, he was standing.

the next day at the hosu general hospital the four of us shōto, izuku,  and tenya has been healing and has been charged on the hospital. my left arm was used too much since i killed the nomu alone with my fire quirk, my right arm which has my ice quirk was also bandaged but it would heal faster.

the chief of the police force; tsuragamae kenji, a tall looking human with a dog-like face, has come to visit our room. he announced that we weren't allowed to use our quirks on villains without our guardian's permission, as a result of punishment that our guardian will take full responsibility. shōto was furious about it but gladly calmed down, at the end we all understood and apologized.

when they all left leaving four of us i went to get my phone to contact katsuki because i haven't been responding since yesterday, i dialed his number and after a few seconds he finally picked up.

"oi hedge--" i was about to greet him but i was given a loud shout from him. "why the fuck are you ignoring me?! i've been messaging you for thousand times and even called you! you even dared to just read my messages dumb fucking shit!" my eyes twitch at every word he spat even though my phone wasn't on loud speaker everyone was looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"katsuki bakugo." i said emphasizing every syllables of his name with a soft tone, i giggled before speaking again "something happened at the hosu city. you haven't heard yet? we were involved but since we don't have our license yet we weren't given any recognition. please stop being angry at me nothing bad happened i'm alright, you know i only got my attention at you right? turns out i was busy yesterday i didn't got the chance to reply back i--" i start to explain but was cut of by him.

"i love you." a blush spread my cheeks as i hear him say that, "i love you too." i said completely forgetting the fact that i was with midoriya, shōto, and iida.

"kacchan and y/n?"

"bakugo likes y/n! y/n likes bakugo!"

"my sister likes bakugo huh?"

"damn you deku!" bakugo shouted in anger and midoriya scratched the back of his neck, "i'm with iida, shōto, and izuku. we're kind of not in good shape." i said and he kept on ranting on why i didn't told him earlier.

i'm inlove with you katsuki bakugo.



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