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"y/n and shōto i want you two to change into your hero costume, we're gonna go somewhere to train you both." father ordered us and left the room. it was the second day for our internship it was going out well with endeavor, he stopped looking down at me and is actually training me.

we both changed into our hero costume. my costume had changes, they added fire proof into it and a katana that is attached on my costume.

 my costume had changes, they added fire proof into it and a katana that is attached on my costume

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"there's still something i've got to take care of there. so we're done here send me back to hosu."

an unfamiliar voice rang in my head causing me to stare at the space suddenly feeling shock. with my wide eyes shōto has took notice of my sudden reaction "you keep on being getting blank expression all of the sudden, is something bothering you?" shōto asked his full attention on me.

"i wanna crush them all into dust. that's my conviction."

i held my head as my vision got a little blurry when i heard another voice, "damn it." i cursed not able to maintain a proper posture making shōto hold me by the shoulders, i shook my head to brush off the thought and sighed.

"i-i'm alright don't ask me about this anymore. this is already normal for me sorry for making you worry shōto." i gave him a slight smile and walk past him to get out of the scene.

when i step out if the train we're riding i suddenly felt a bad aura about here, as if something bad was coming for us. the presence of villains lingering around the air, i close my eyes and cleared my mind,

"i'll crush your pride and dignity stain!" i widened my eyes and look around. i look at dad and approach him slowly "can you contact some pro heroes?" i said and caught him off guard raising his eyebrows at me.

"why would i call pro heroes y/n?" he asked and shōto went closer to us hearing his question, they were both looking at me confused. i then felt a nomu's presence nearby "damn it just call them now villains are here!" i shouted ice starting to form on my right side, at that moment a crash was heard at the train.

i ran to where it was coming from and saw a nomu, i was about to freeze it when there was suddenly a old man kicking it off the train.

"gran torino!" i heard a familiar shout i turn to look at shōto "shōto i'll help out here you should go help father now!" i shouted and turn my back at him to run where the familiar voice was.

i went inside the train to meet midoriya's gaze "midoriya!" i shouted and ran to him. "y/n! you're here too?" i gave him a nod and look at the huge hole that was made because of the nomu.

"we need to help them my father and shōto has already went out to help the other areas that are being attacked by villains, pro heroes are also contacted for now we need to give them a hand." i said and he gave me a nod wanting to help too.

"isn't that endeavor's daughter?" i heard people starting to gossip thinking that they might have seen me on the sports festival, "everyone it's gonna be alright." i gave them a thumbs up and a reassuring smile.

i then look back at midoriya and we both nod at the vibe of 'we're gonna save everyone.'  we then heard an explosion on somewhere at the city and we went to where it was coming from.

"y/n i think i know where iida is if you're done helping the heroes here please search every dark and hidden corners,he might have been searching for the hero killer stain!" midoriya said and i gave him a nod, i turn my attention at the nomu and froze it.

the heroes looked at me in shock "what are you doing here child?!" i recognized the hero that goes by the name 'manual' he must be tenya's mentor.

"i've come to help my father endeavor is here too, my other friend is now searching for iida. now we have to kill this nomu!" i shouted and sharply gaze at the nomu, i made the ice colder not feeling myself getting weak even though i am using my quirk too much.

i then went closer to the nomu and did a hellflame on its head. the nomu wasn't able to react at my long flames as its brain cells was already burnt not being able go regen anymore.

the heroes looked at me at shock "as expected from endeavor's child!" they cheered and i gave them a smile.

i grab my phone as i hear a notification, it was a location that midoroya sent. i forwarded to shōto to make him send pro heroes since he's with dad.


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