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Annabella Valor~~

Andrea and I have grown close over the last two weeks. Although we know more about one another we most definitely do not know all about each other. It's better that way. I walk out of class and find her waiting there for me. "Wanna ditch?" She asks. "I can't and you know that." "Please. Just this once, no ones gonna miss you Annabella," she nonchalantly states. When realization of what she said hits her, her eyes widen. "Oh my god, that's not what I meant. Just please ditch with me?" She continues to beg. "Fine." I say. "Wait, really?" I nod my head and she jumps up and down while dancing in circles. "Calm down before I change my mind," I joke.

She was a character, someone different and definitely not what her reputation has made her out to be. She has passion and compassion, but if you mess with her slightly she would not be scared to threaten you. Or even hurt you. 

She stops dancing and we walk towards the second building. This buildings usually empty since it only consists of locker rooms and after school activities. We walk to one of the empty bathrooms and sit on the counters where cheerleaders and dancers usually get ready. Andrea, as always, pulls out a blunt as I grab my makeup bag. As I apply a new layer of lip gloss, Andrea hands me the blunt. When I breathe out I choke but quickly recollect myself. We continue to pass it back and forth as she puts music on.

After a while of sitting around we hear a sniffle and a toilet flush. My eyes dart to find Andrea's. My heartbeat quickens but I relax a little when I see Andrea isn't worried at all. When the stall door opens we both look to see who it is. Vanessa Calloway, in her red and black practice uniform. Blonde hair that was once in a perfect ponytail now laying limp at the side of her head, black mascara running down her pale cheek as she sniffles, and her blue eyes puffy. She tries to hide her face but fails. 

When I look up at Andrea she rolls her eyes and takes another hit. I roll my eyes back at her rudeness and hop of the counter. "Is everything okay?" I ask, purely out of curiosity. Vanessa looks at herself in the mirror before sighing. "No," she squeaks before breaking down into tears. 

No one, and I mean no one, sees Vanessa Calloway break down. She holds her head up high, with a smile and pride written clearly on her face. For once someone, and even more surprisingly us, sees her in imperfect way. 

I look to Andrea for help and she just shrugs. "Wanna hit?" She asks. I slap her with the back of my hand and she glares at me. "What? Maybe it'll help her relax. I'm just trying to be nice," she tries explaining herself. I swear she's dumb, sometimes.

"He fucking cheated on me. What an asshole. A fucking liar. A stupid man whore." Vanessa growls through clenched teeth. The outburst takes Andrea and I both by surprise. Vanessa has always had this good girl, popular attitude to her. She was never rude, even to a bug, she was popular because she was so sweet and of course cheer captain. "Sounds like a scumbag, take a hit." Andrea says holding the almost gone blunt to her. "No peer pressure or anything," I snark at Andrea. "Oh no believe me, I need this," She reassures me before grabbing the blunt. She easily chokes on the smoke. Even after a minute her coughing fit isn't over so I hand her my water bottle and she nods to thank me.

Vanessa pulls into her driveway a little after four and we all exit the expensive Tesla. "Well, Welcome to my house I guess." she grumbles. "It's big," I tell her. She nods her head as we walk up to the huge white brick house. "Vanessa, Is that you?" A middle aged women asks. Even the inside of the house was huge. "Yes, um these are my friends Andrea Chesterton and Annabella Valor. Guys this is my mother, Catherine Calloway." Vanessa introduces us. "It's nice to meet you," I politely say and shake her hand.

Awkward couldn't even describe the situation. She looked disgusted with Andrea and I, and not to mention we probably all reeked of marijuana. I try giving her a friendly smile and she just nods her head. "Well, have fun girls." She mutters and walks away. Her heels echo down the hall and Vanessa turns to us. "Sorry about her. Let's go to my room," she mumbles. We follow her up the freshly waxed staircase and down a long hall.

The inside of her room was filled with cheer awards and expensive clothes and jewelry. The family was rich and it wasn't hard to tell. "So what exactly did you find out about Lucas?" Andrea questions. She drags her pointed, black, acrylic nail across the white dresser. Her hand stops at a picture of Vanessa and Lucas. "We should burn this," she smirks and turns towards Vanessa. Vanessa smiles trying to be nice, "Maybe a different time." She takes the frame from her hands and places it back on the dresser.

I plop down on one end of the soft grey couch. "Well," Vanessa starts and sits down on her bed. "We've been together two years. We have been through so goddamn much. And then I found out he has been hooking up with girls for the last year. The last whole year. He was that good at hiding it. All girls from different schools, well until he couldn't keep his dirty hands off of my best friend. Carissa didn't even stop him. They've been messing around for three months. He took her fucking virginity. That's so intimate and this whole time I believed we both loved each other. But his love for me died. A long time ago."

"Tragic." Andrea bluntly says. "Have some sympathy," I reply to her rude comment. "No no, shes fine. It's her attitude. But I hope she knows two can play that game." Vanessa dictates. "Oh is Vanessa Calloway going bad?" Andrea messes with her. "Maybe." "Then what do you say Vanessa, what are we gonna do to the scumbag?"

"You play too much Andrea," I remark and they both look at me. Their eyes both full of fire. I slouch back slightly. "Come on Annabella, you need some fun in you're life," Vanessa announces. I sigh and contemplate my choices. If I have fun, things can slip up and fall down hill but if I don't I'd be a stuck up princess. 

"Let's destroy him."

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