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Annabella Valor~~

It's been three days since I found out that Andrea and Elliot are related. Three days and it's still shocking. I don't get how I didn't know, then again Andrea doesn't talk much about her family. Elliot wants to tell Andrea himself but I know I should be the one to do it. I have to admit that I'm seeing her brother because I'm her friend, and she deserves to hear it from me. They also aren't that close so it'll probably be easier to hear from me. 

I'm on my way to tell her now, I told her I really needed to talk to her and soon. We are meeting up at some random park I've never been to. I get a message and check it as I pull into the parking lot. I know I shouldn't drive while on my phone but oh well, no one actually follows that rule. It's Vanessa wishing me luck. I told her the day after we were at Andrea's. She was shocked but told me I was a lucky girl. She told me not to be scared and that Andrea should be understanding. I'm not going to lie, I'm really fucking scared. 

I see Andrea sitting at a picnic table and I get out of my car, heading her way. "What's up?" she asks as I sit down. I don't want to drag this out into some long thing so I decide to just rip it off like a band aid. "I've been seeing your brother," I tell her. "You what?" she questions. "I didn't know he was your brother, we've been seeing each other for a while. I know I should have told you as soon as I found out but I didn't know how to," I explain. 

"How long is a while?" she asks. "Umm, like ten months" I say. "Wow, that's a long time.." she says. I nod my head not knowing what else to say. "Are you mad?" 

She doesn't answer right away, which makes me nervous. I just want to know. "No," she finally says. "Really?" I ask shocked. She's really not mad? "No, you didn't know he was my brother. I mean it kind of sucks neither of you told me you were seeing someone but I can't blame you guys," she understandingly says. "Well I'm glad," I tell her. "I'm just glad you told me instead of him." I nod my head and tell her, "I figured it would be better this way." We sit there and talk for a while before both deciding to leave. "Wanna come over?" she asks. I nod my head and we both head to our cars.

"Annabella," she says as I'm about the close my door. "Huh?" "I'm happy for you. But if he ever hurts you I'm going to kill him," she threatens. I laugh at her and give her a big smile. "I doubt he ever will." "Just saying," she says with a disagreeing look on her face. Okay then... 

I follow behind her as we head to her house. Was she trying to warn me or something? I don't think Elliot would ever hurt me, he's just too nice. Or would he? No, he could never. 

We're all sitting on the couch and watching a movie. I snuggle into Elliot and look over at Andrea. It feels weird to be here with my best friends brother while she is two feet over. Even Isiah was watching the movie with us. Which is surprising because he never hangs out with his family. I'm glad he is though, it's good for them to act like a family. Now knowing that they are related I know more about Andrea's life. Like what happened to her parents and shit. It's a really sad story actually and I feel so bad for her. She's a strong person though and I know she deals with a lot. Like Elliot and Isiah being annoyed by her, they shouldn't feel that way but they do sometimes. I love Andrea and I'm so glad she isn't upset with me.

"Wanna go get food?" Elliot whispers in my ear. "Sure," I whisper back and kiss him on the cheek. "Were gonna go get food, want me to bring anything back?" Elliot announces and gets up. "Yes." Andrea demands with a smile on her face. "Just text me," he says and pulls me off the couch. 

He grabs his jacket and we leave. We get in my car and I let him drive since he always criticizes me when I drive. "Where you wanna go?" he asks. "I don't care," I tell him and hook my car up to the Bluetooth. 

He drives away as I start playing music and soon enough we are at a small diner I've never been to. It looks like a diner out of a movie, old fashioned with a jukebox. I smile as he holds the door open for me and follows me in. "Elliot! So good to see you again buddy," a women behind the counter greets. "And who do we have here?" the lady asks again and comes over to us. "This is Annabella, Annabella this is Teresa" Elliot introduces us. "Nice to meet you," I greet her and stick my hand out. She shakes my hand with a big smile on her face. "You must be a lucky girl, Elliot's never brought a girl around here," Teresa says with a wink. I laugh and Elliot and I go to sit down. 

"You must come here a lot?" I say and grab a menu. "Yeah, pretty often" he tells me as I look over the menu. "So what's good?" I ask while flipping the menu. "Anything and everything. I've tried it all, nothing has failed to taste good," he says. "Hmm, well what do you think I'd like?" 

"I'll order for you," he says and calls Teresa over. "What can I get you?" she asks and pulls out a little pad. "I'll take a tuna ciabatta melt and she will have the chicken salad croissant and two strawberry cream floats please," he tells her. "Coming right up," she says with a big smile and walks away. Gosh everyone is so happy in this place. 

"I've been coming to this place since I was thirteen. I'd come every weekend and just sit here listening to the music and watching all the different people come and go for hours," he tells me and looks around. "Not many people come here anymore, but it'll forever be my favorite place. It's like right out of a movie." 

I turn and look around at the place, the style was outdated but everything looked good as new. There were glowing signs and pictures of workers on the walls and it really did look like it was out of a movie. "If it's your favorite place, then it's mine" I tell him and he grabs my hand. 

"I think I might love you," he says looking me in the eyes. "I think I might love you more," I tell him back with a smirk. I really do think I love this boy. 

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