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Annabella Valor~~

The next week of school flew by, we all just went to classes and hung out a few days. Nothing new happened, the school now knows that Lucas had cheated on Vanessa but no one knows about Vanessa and Mr. Miller. She hasn't said much about the situation at all. I'm worried for her but maybe pushing it out of her mind will be better. 

It's the Saturday before finals and I decide to text Elliot instead of studying. I haven't talked to him in two weeks, I think. I've been ignoring his messages and when he calls every once in a while I decline it without a thought. I don't know why but I just don't want to talk to him. I'm scared about everything. Plus I've been so busy with work, and I wish I wasn't but my parents need the help. I also have to pay our neighbor to watch Milo, which is frequently. I am so grateful for her but I wish I didn't have to pay. Or at least I wish my parents would pay for it. 

I text Elliot asking if he was down to do something and he quickly responds, saying he will pick me up in thirty minutes. I shower before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I braid my hair and check on Milo. Thankfully my mom was home today and could watch him, she was making him lunch when I walk downstairs. Seeing her do this makes me smile. It's so little that either of my parents are home, I feel like they have missed out on watching Milo grow up. It's only been about a year since they started staying out a lot. It happened after Mickey left, they just couldn't stand being around me after that. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go out for a little. I should be back tonight if not I'm gonna crash at a friends, okay?" I say while filling up my water bottle. "Yeah, have fun." she says and I walk out of the kitchen before anything could get more awkward. I say bye to Milo while he watches TV and leave when Elliot pulls up. 


We went out to eat and now were going to get ice cream. "So what has been keeping you busy the last few weeks?" he asks me as we wait for our ice cream. "Works been killing me but other than that not much. I've missed a lot of school because of work, but my grades have been fine. Senior year's so easy," I tell him. His jaw tightened whenever I mentioned work. He hates what I do, but it makes good money. Plus that's how we met so I don't know why he judges it so much. "That's good, real good. Why haven't you been answering my messages or calls? I thought something was wrong." 

The lady hands us our order and I thank her before we go sit down outside. "Well I didn't really know how to explain why I was busy because you would have gotten mad at me." I explain to him. "I wouldn't have," he denies. "Elliot, we both know you would have. You absolutely hate what I do and it makes no sense because that's how we met." I tell him. "I- I know it's just... I don't want you to get hurt. You mean so much to me and there are bad people out there. I just don't get why you have to do it.."

"I have to do it to help my parents. It makes great money and as much as I dislike it I need the money." I say and continue eating my ice cream. Ice cream is so godly, and honestly my favorite thing in the world. "I can help you," Elliot says slightly above a whisper. "No, you know that." 

"Please, Annabella, I promise it wouldn't be a problem. I want to help you, I would do anything to help you." He keeps trying. "No, that's the end of it Elliot." 

He stayed quiet the rest of the time until we left. In the car he apologizes for bringing any of it up and then we head to his place. As we pull into the parking lot he groans loudly. I raise my eyebrow and look up at him. "My sisters home." He blankly says. "Okay and..?" I question. "I don't want to go in there with her. She always ask so many questions and it just gets annoying." he partly explains himself. "Oh.. well lets just go somewhere else then?" He nods his head and pulls out of the place. 

We go and walk around a park for a little and just talk about random things. Random things that make me fall for him. He's so smart and has such an amazing perspective of things. His mind always comes up with these crazy ideas and theories and his beliefs are so fascinating. I could listen to him talk for hours, his voice is so soothing. I don't think I've ever enjoyed something as much as hearing him talk since Mickey. Well before he left. 

My phone buzzes and I stop walking to read it. A message from Vanessa asking if we could come over as soon as possible. Andrea said she would be there in an hour and I quickly reply saying I'll let her know when I'm coming. "Everything okay?" Elliot asks. "Uh, yeah can you drop me off at a friends?" He nods his head and we start walking back to his car. 

The whole ride to her house we listen to music loudly and sing like we are sixteen and in love. When we pull up he turns the music down and we continue laughing. "Okay, okay I have to go. I had fun today, thank you." I say to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye," I say and close the car door. "Until next time," He mutters more to himself than me. I can't keep the smile off my face as I walk up to Vanessa's.  

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