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Annabella Valor~~

It was Sunday morning and we were all at Vanessa's house. She was laying in bed and looked like a mess. Which it isn't often when we see her like this. She was scared. I knew this would happen but I couldn't stop her. She never would have listened and honestly it could have been a good plan. 

"Vanessa just chill, it'll be okay" Andrea tries to cheer her up. I wouldn't say it was the best way to cheer someone up but it was Andrea's way. "It won't be okay," Vanessa replies. "Isn't this what you wanted?" Andrea pushes on. "Not exactly what I had planned."

I sigh as they both stay quiet. "Well, it happened and there isn't no changing the fact that it happened. I know you didn't want it to go down like this but it is what it is. You gotta be a bad bitch, you gotta stay strong. You are going to walk into school tomorrow with your head held high and a smile on your face. You're Vanessa Calloway. Nothing is supposed to stop you." I finally say. 

Andrea gives her a smile which finally breaks her. "Okay. You're right, I got this" she assures herself. And in a split second she's out of bed and getting ready. For what? I have no idea, but she was in a good mood. Almost as if she never was upset. 

Once ready we all went out to eat and pretended like last night never happened. It was a good time, a time away from reality. Vanessa took us to some fancy country club and payed for both of us. After that we all went shopping. It was a good day and for once I felt like I fit in with other people. Vanessa was as nice as ever, not that she's ever mean. Honestly I think this is her way of coping with the whole fact that they got walked in on yesterday. 

"You good?" Andrea asks Vanessa as we pull up to school. "Yeah, yeah I'm good. Let's just go." she says and gets out of the car. Walking through the halls was extra weird. No one would think ever that Andrea and Vanessa would be friends. They're too different. They could never like each other. Yet they do. 

She held herself well, not once did the smile leave her face. Even as we passed by Mr. Miller in the hallways. She was good, at least until she saw Lucas. She dropped her smile but if you weren't paying attention like Andrea and I you never would have noticed it. We all split ways after we reached Vanessa's class. 

And to my advantage I had class with Lucas. I sit in the back and he sits two seats in front of me, along with all his other fuck boy friends. Class went by fast, almost no one said a word. Every person was careful on what they said to Lucas and he kept his lips in a tight straight line. Not one remark or even chuckle came from him. He was emotionless. Did this really break him that much? It couldn't have, it is Lucas after all. 

And just like that morning classes were over. It was now lunch time, to which I get the honor of having with Vanessa and Andrea. Sadly enough Lucas had this lunch too. He still hasn't changed his facial expressions at all. It's like he just watched his parents get murdered right in front of him. He doesn't eat. He sat the whole lunch just staring at Vanessa, but she didn't know her back was to him and she pretended like he didn't exist. 

That's how the rest of the day went. Fast classes and everyone being careful around Lucas and Vanessa. It's almost as if everyone already knows what happened. But that couldn't be, Mr. Miller would be fired and things would be way out of control. 

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