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Vanessa Calloway~~

It was Friday and we are playing the last game of the season. Lucas plays in every game and I cheer on the sidelines for him. It sucks to cheer on your cheating ex on but he is the star player. 

The game just begun and we were already winning. I knew it would be an easy game, as were all their games. I'm not trying to brag but our team is really good. We do basic cheers throughout the game as the team keeps scoring. It's 52-50 right now and the student section was going crazy. There is three minutes left in the game but I had a strong feeling they would win this game. 

They start their next play after a time out and within seconds a guy is knocked down. Everyone quiets down as the other team's player lies on the ground. I scan the players to see if I know anyone that's missing. But I can't see that well when they are all the way on the other side of the field. While scanning across the field I feel someones eyes on me. I look around and finally see Lucas staring at my from his position on the field. Time felt frozen as we stared at each other. Everything was quiet and eerie and then suddenly the whistle blew, people were clapping, and Lucas' eyes were gone. 

My heart was racing and I didn't even realize the game had started again. I quickly clap my hands and lead a cheer. I wonder why he was looking at me. Maybe he wasn't looking at me...? I mean he could easily have been looking at any of the girls. I bet it was Carissa he was looking at. I mean he did screw her a ton of times. Neither of the girls are here which really sucks but oh well. Annabella told me she had a date with this one dude and texted us at half time that they were at some fancy hotel. As for Andrea, I have no idea where she is. She never says much about herself or anything related to her. Andrea just cuts herself off from everyone so much I figure all she does is sit at home doing nothing. I mean if she even has a home, I don't even know where she lives. 

I cast my attention back on the game and realize the other team just scored a touchdown. I really have to stop getting deep in thought. Or just pay attention. We had less than a minute left in the game and everyone was on edge. I already know were going to win, Lucas just needs to score and it will be just like every other game. As the last seconds run down Lucas runs down the field with the ball. 

The crowd goes quiet and the buzzer goes off. The game is over. He dropped the ball. The star player dropped the ball and lost the game. The last game of the year. The other team starts yelling and cheering. He's never going to live that down. 


I change into sweatpants and a t-shirt in the locker rooms after the game. I don't talk to the girls much because of all the stuff that happened. All the shit that happened. It just doesn't make sense how he got away with it all. I shake my head and gather the girls to talk to them before leaving. On my way to my car I see Lucas leaning on his car, a few spots away from mine. I take in a deep breath before unlocking my car and getting in. 

I connect to my blue tooth and play my music loudly. While backing out I catch Lucas watching me. When my eyes meet his he doesn't look away, he just keeps staring. I pull away and out of the school parking lot. I can't take him, he's so weird. I drive down all the back roads to my house. 

When I get home my dads asleep and my mom is reading. "How was the game?" she asks when I walk into the study. "It was close, we lost in the last few minutes," I explain to her. "Oh, you guys lost? What was going through Lucas' head, that poor boy. He probably feels so upset with himself," she says. I shake my head in disbelief. "If you like him so much why don't you go date him. Goodnight," I tell her and walk away. 

I walk upstairs and instead of showering I decide to watch Netflix until I fall asleep. I put on The Vampire Diaries and lay down, with my many blankets and pillows. As much as I hate to admit it, I can't keep my mind off of Lucas. Why was he staring at me in the car? Maybe he was looking at me during the game? No he couldn't have been. He's too vain to even think about me. 

Maybe I need to see someone new, even if it's nothing long term like just a hook up. I think I need something to fulfill the loss of Lucas. And I think I know someone who can help...

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