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Annabella Valor~~

We decided to go to the mall today which was a good idea of course, except it wasn't because there would be people there. "Where should we go first?" Vanessa cheerfully asks. Today was Vanessa's perfect cup of tea, Andrea and I not so much. "I don't care," I mumble as Andrea lets out a pain filled groan. 

"Okay, um let's go in here they have such nice clothes." she suggests. We follow slightly behind her throughout the store. She knew where basically everything was and guided us around as she grabbed things off the racks. Vanessa's hands were basically over filled in ten minutes but we had nothing. "You guys didn't grab anything?" Vanessa questions shockingly. 

I slowly smile at her and she groans. "Go get stuff, at least to try on. Go now."  Andrea and I search around the store and grab random things off the racks. I knew I could afford these items with the money that I make but I can't spend it all, or else I'd have none left for the important things. Like the water bill. 

Once we all had a good amount of items in our hands we head to the fitting rooms to try them on. We all had a good time and joked around as we tried on all the clothes we knew we would never buy. Most of the items consisted of slutty things or something an old business woman would buy.

 I tried on a silk dress with a high slit in the thigh, it was dark red and fit my body perfectly. When I walk out of the stall Andrea and Vanessa turn their attention to me and gasp. I laugh seeing Andrea dressed in a pink frilly skirt and a black grandma sweater. "You look gorgeous in that. If you don't buy it, I will." Vanessa exclaims. "Ha, I wish. I don't have the money to just spend on something like this. I wouldn't even wear it ever." I say and give her a sad smile. Or well I hope it looked sad because quiet honestly I was happy not to spend my money on it. The only time I'd ever wear this dress out is on a date. And I would hate to put such a beautiful dress to use when it'd probably end up being ripped off of me. 

I go back into the stall and change out of the dress and back into my regular clothes. I slip the dress back onto the hanger and grab the rest of the clothes before leaving. The woman standing around takes the items from me to put them back on the racks. "I'm gonna walk around while you guys change," I tell the girls before walking out of there. 

I walk through the shoes and admire the overly priced heels and sneakers. This place has no real theme, there are clothes for every occasion and all priced at a hundred dollars or more. Someone clears their throat from behind me and it scares the shit out of me. "God you guys didn't have to scare m-" I begin to say as I turn around, thinking it's the girls. Daniel stands there with a store bag in his hands and smiles down at me. "Oh, uh hi Daniel" I greet him. "This is for you, maybe you could wear it the next time I see you" he says with a huge grin. I grab the bag as he offers it to me. "Thank you, you really didn't have to get me anything" I say not even knowing what it is. "Don't be silly, it's my pleasure. Also here's a little extra, I think those shoes would go great" He says and puts money into my hands before pointing at the seven hundred dollar shoes I was looking at. "I can't accept this," I stop him before he can leave. "I hope to be seeing you soon," he tells me before quickly walking off. 

I take a deep breathe and look around to see if anybody saw us. I pick the shoes out in my size and start to head to the counter. Once I pay, I meet up with the girls finally and we leave the store. Vanessa was happy I bought something and neither of them, surprisingly, didn't say anything about me affording it. I still didn't know what he had bought me before but deep down, I really didn't care to know. We talked while we looked through more stores before deciding to leave. I had bought a few other items at other stores but nothing really interesting. I was worried for most of the time that they would ask about how I can afford the expensive things but nothing. They said nothing. I am a little disappointed for some reason. Why didn't they notice? 

And as if they could read my mind they finally ask. I made it four hours at the mall and ten minutes in the car without them asking and now they care. "So who's the guy paying for your shoes?" Andrea blurts out. Vanessa groans as if Andrea messed up. Had they planned out how to ask me? "What do you mean?" I try to play dumb. "Were not stupid." Andrea replies. Didn't work. 

My mind races as I try to think of an excuse. Who could he be? I can't tell them who he really is, at least not now. "Annabella, just tell us the truth." Vanessa says with a sigh. My skin starts to feel hot and my hands become clammy. I know have to tell them the truth, I just really do not want to. 

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