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Annabella Valor~~

"YOU'RE A WHAT?!?!" Andrea and Vanessa scream at the same time. Ughhhhhh, here come the questions. 


"Since when?"

"Who knows?"

"How much money do you make?" 

"What do you even do?"

"Are the men good?" 

"When can I start?" 

The last two made me laugh at Andrea being a dumb ass. "I don't really remember starting really, it was during a time I don't talk about really. My parents needed money to keep the house, and honestly I kinda needed something to keep my mind busy. I do make a lot of money, they are very rich men. I can't share much information about the business unless you guys are joining. No one knows but you. And no one can know. I mean... No. One. Ya understand?" I tell them. They nod their heads in agreement. "Lips are sealed, but I wanna know more" Vanessa pushes with a smile. 

I just shake my head and look out the window as we drive back. I was so scared to tell them and they didn't even judge me. Well I mean at first Vanessa gave me a grossed out look and then her whole attitude changed. They were both excited about it. As for me, I am not. Lately, actually ever since Elliot and I last talked about it, I haven't been into it. I don't want it anymore. In a way it disgusts me. It's starting to remind me of why I started. I was in a bad place, just months after Mickey left. This is what I did to fill in my needs, to make me feel something. And it was a hell of a lot better than the drugs I was doing. 

But now, now I just want to be with Elliot. I want to hold him, listen to him play, and watch him cook. I want to hear his stories all night and cry at stupid movies together. I don't want to get money from older men. I don't want to pay my parents bills or buy Milo clothes. They should have to do that, not me. 

We pull up to my house and I get out of the car and say bye to the girls before heading inside. I had told them a little more about the whole, like why I started and what it's like. They were supportive of it which is kind of weird. I always thought people would be so revolted by the idea. When I enter my house Milo was passed out on the couch, at eight which isn't unusual. I call out for my parents and neither of them answer. Their cars are here so they can't be gone. I go set my stuff upstairs before looking around for them. 

When I finally found them they were passed out drunk. A bottle in my father's hand as he lays limp on the bed. My mother on the ground shirtless. I know nothing is seriously wrong. They just can't handle being home, it's not even just being around me. It's being around anything me. They aren't drunks, only when I'm around. And believe me, it's the worst feeling. I close their door as if I hadn't seen them at all and go get Milo. He slightly wakes up as I lift him, I help him change and tuck him in. 

I take a shower and get ready for bed. As I'm getting ready the fancy bags I had set by my dresser call my name. I don't want to know what he picked out but I do. Before I can comprehend what I'm doing I grab the bags. I already knew the shoes because I had picked them out. When I pull the first thing out I gasp. The red dress... how did he know? It was my size and even more gorgeous than before. Sadly enough, it was from a man I sleep with for money. I lay it on my bed and pull out the next item. It was even more beautiful than the first. It was a tight, black mini dress. Off the shoulders and the softest material. The back cut deep and I knew almost all of my back would show. I smile as I set the dresses back in the bag and place it in my closet. I doubt I'll be wearing either of them anytime soon. 

And almost as if he knew, I got a message from Daniel. 

'You busy Friday?' 

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