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Annabella Valor~~

I wake up with bright lights shining in my face and the warmth of another person wrapped around me. I open my eyes and immediately see my clothes on the ground. I'm naked. Oh my gosh, I'm with Daniel still. I slither out of his arms and off the bed. But as soon as I stand my head begins to hurt. Oh god I need water. I groan and it wakes Daniel up. 

"Good morning, beautiful" he greets me. I slip back into my dress without anything underneath. "What's the rush?" he chuckles and lifts himself out of the bed. He slips into the pants he was wearing yesterday and ruffles his hair. Not gonna lie, he looked really hot doing so. "I have to get home," I tell him with a smile. "Alright, but I'm getting you breakfast first." he demands. "Wanna get me some Advil too?" 

He laughs and tosses me a a pill bottle. I grab two out of it and walk over to the sink to take them. I give him the bottle and throw my hair into a messy ponytail before putting my shoes on. "You ready?" he asks. I nod my head and we walk out of the hotel room. I don't remember much of what happened last night but I'm glad I don't. 

He takes me to some small diner to eat and then drops me off at home. Surprisingly both of my parents were home. "Hey mom, hi dad" I say and walk into the kitchen. "So did you stay out with that chem boy all night?" my mom asks with a raised eyebrow. "No he dropped my off at my Vanessa's house last night," I lie. 

"Who's Vanessa?" both of them ask. I roll my eyes and grab a water bottle. "My friend..."

They both nod their heads and say nothing. "Well I'm gonna go upstairs," I tell them and start to walk away. "Wait honey, what ever happened with Mickey? I thought he came back around?" my dad asks. "Oh... uh he was just back in town for a while he left a week ago. He said he would've said bye but he didn't get enough time to," I lie, again. "Well that's too bad, always was a good kid. I almost think I miss him too much" my mom said with a sad sigh. Yeah a good kid... my fucking ass. 

I walk up to my room and look in the mirror for the first time. God I look like hell, most of my makeup was washed off and my hair was all ratty. After being in the hot tub and in bed all night, my skin felt gross and sweaty still. 

I take my hair down and grab a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. I wash the layers of sweat and filth off my body. When I get out I feel so much better than this morning. I can't keep doing this. I hate to admit that I had fun last night because I feel like trash now. I feel disgusted with myself and I can't take it. I just want to throw up at the thought of what happened last night. Once I'm back in my room I check the purse I had with me to see a huge stack of cash in there. He payed me extra and with a little note he wrote 'Thanks for such a good time, I know this might be hard to hear but go do something with your life. You deserve better'. 

I smile and put the money away. Maybe I should quit. 

I'm hanging out with Elliot right now and we are both doing homework while music plays quietly. "Elliot, can I talk to you about something?" He looks up at me and nods his head. His face shows concern and he instantly stops doing his work. "What's up?" 

"I'm gonna quit, I already talked to my parents before coming here. I think it's time I stop," I tell him. The smile on his face grows. "Really?" he questions. I nod my head and he gives me the happiest look. He has wanted me to quit for so long I can only imagine how happy he feels. 

I had talked to my parents before coming here. I told them they need to start staying at home and raising Milo. I told them that Milo has barely grown up with parents this last year and that he needs them the most right now. I explained that things were better now with me and that I can't keep using all my money to pay the bills. They told me how it just hurt them to be around me because of how hurt I had been. Which is stupid because if they would have come around more they could see that I am better. They agreed to be better parents and told me I wouldn't have to pay anymore bills. We all cried for a little because I guess they finally realized how ridiculous they were being. 

"Yeah I'm gonna go talk to my boss tonight" I explain and take a sip of my water. "I'm so happy, Annabella. You have no idea how much I love you. I just want you to be safe, and happy" He tells me. "Can we stop doing homework?" I ask. He nods his head and we both race to his bedroom. I jump onto his bed at the same time he does. He knocks into my as we land and I fall onto his floor. "Fuck!" I scream. 

He laughs at me before helping me up. "Bitch." This makes him laugh more before finally hugging me and apologizing. We end up laying in bed the rest of the time until I had to go. I'm on my way now to talk to my boss. I'm really nervous but I'm ready to get this over with. She's not like a lot of bosses, she knows some people are just there for a little while and will let us leave. 

I pull onto a back street and turn my head lights off. The warehouse only has one light and is very secluded. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car. Here goes nothing. 

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