19. stealing glances and cookies

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"They really don't think it's weird?" I chewed on my cheek, playing with my short locks as I didn't really know what else to do.

Tara shook her head, passing me a soft smile. "No, Haven. Aunt Trisha is very sweet, super welcoming. She'll only like that you're coming. And- we had a good reason. We were studying."

"Fair point," I mumbled, but felt more secure because of her comment. "Alright, I'll tag along, then."

"She's Zephaniah's grandmother, in case you were wondering." Tara said, giving me a cheeky smile. She had been a completely different person now she was at home.

We had been studying the afternoon at her house as no one was home, and therefore the quiet atmosphere was motivating. I had met her mum, Maryum, during dinner time and she had been as lovely.

I wondered why Tara had such a different attitude at University, but I figured it had something to do with impressing Luke. She hadn't denied when I told her she had a thing for him.

It just made me sad that Zephaniah was the dupe of her sickening behaviour.

"His grandmother," I hummed, starting to understand more and more of their family relating stuff. It was quite complicated, as their family was big- but Tara had explained me a bit of how it worked.

Zephaniah's father was her cousin, but as Zephaniah and Tara were around the same age and grew up together, she called Zephaniah her cousin too- she thought those other namings sounded too strange from how their bond was.

"Just thought I'd tell. You seem to be quite interested in Zeph," Tara said nonchalantly, not making eye contact as we stepped into the car.

I couldn't help but blush, totally denying her words. "That is not true. I'm just trying to figure him out. He's interesting, but that doesn't make me interested."

"He has his struggles, Haven. I told you that before. He needs to warm up to someone. He's a sensitive one," she said quietly, turning on the radio so her mother couldn't eavesdrop.

"Then why don't you handle him with care?" I blurted out before I could think it through, making me gulp. "I mean-"

"It happens, Haven. I don't know why. He just gets on my nerves sometimes. Haven't you seen how he's basically glued to me all the time? How he wants me to do everything for him? Doesn't socialize?" She sighed, shaking her head. "It just annoys me at times, even when I know he can't always help it."

I stayed quiet for a while, thinking about her words. "I think he just feels safe around you,"

"Why do you need to make up theories for everything?" Tara groaned. "It's just a weird habit of his. He hates when people get too close in his personal space, but with the people he does know- he's way too close."

He feels safe, Tara.

I bit my tongue and stared outside the window, closing the topic with my quietness.

"You're a real philosophy student, my goodness." Tara teased, poking my cheek. I playfully rolled my eyes and before we knew it, we had arrived into a cosy neighborhood I hadn't ever been before.

Soon later, we stood in the doorstep of Zephaniah's grandmother's house and were greeted by a lovely, too young for a grandmother looking woman with brown locks falling just over her shoulders, honey and brown warm eyes.

She pulled me into a hug and smiled widely, "Welcome, love. What's your name? You're Ittarah's friend, yeah?"

"Thank you, it's Haven. I'm her friend, indeed. We met at Uni, actually! And I believe I'm in your grandsons-"

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