41. nervous cream puffs

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Secretly stuffing a cream puff into my mouth, I wiggled my bare toes in the grass as I waited for the bell to ring. It would soon be three in the afternoon, meaning Zephaniah would come over for the, oh so amazing, High Tea mum had prepared.

I wondered if he was nervous- better asked, how nervous he was at this very moment. Wishing to take away all of his nerves, I simply prayed for him to be calm, prayed that I could make him comfortable in some way.

"Mum, I told you he'd bring a dog, yeah?" I wondered, watching her as she placed more sweet foods onto the table, frowning when she counted the cream puffs. "Sorry, I ate one." I added sheepishly, playing with my watch.

"Haven." She sighed, softly shaking her head. "You did tell me. For different purposes, yeah? Epilepsy seizure dog and perhaps, for his autism."

"Tara, his cousin, told me that." I said quickly, shrugging. "Don't ask him about it.. I don't know if he likes it that I told you guys he has autism. I mean, he seems to be ashamed that he's autistic, you know? He doesn't have to be- of course not! I just thought.. I mean you may understand him better. I don't know the way he will introduce himself or-"

Mum cut me off, she stared at my face. "Haven, we don't mind. We're very happy he's coming over and we will love him the way he is, always. He seems like a very sweet guy."

"He is." I agreed quietly, giving dad a small smile as he came outside as well, ruffling my hair.

Watching them set up the table for a while more, I decided to go inside where Jonah, Sarah and Jude were playing a game. I didn't really know the game, but I couldn't be focused on it, anyway. My eyes kept drifting towards the window, wondering when he would arrive.

"How old is he, Have?" Jonah asked out of nowhere, his light eyes trained onto the game still.

"He's nineteen." I simply answered, for some reasons no more words tried to leave my mouth, even when on other days I'd probably have to hold myself back from telling his whole life story.

Suddenly, dog barks where heard, a soft shushing after that. My heart fluttered, I peeked through the window. The car drove off, I thought I saw Hannah behind the steering wheel. The bell rang not much later, making me jog over towards the front door. Ten minutes to three. He'd be on time, of course he would be.

Swinging it open, I smiled widely when Zephaniah was standing in front of me. He wore a grey coloured beanie on top of his slightly messy black hair, the fringe hanging over his eyebrows. The warm orange hoodie with the white, not to forget knotted, strings, he wore fitted him well, the black colour of his trousers had faded lightly, perhaps because of the washing machine.

"Zeph, hey." I breathed out, looking into his bright, green eyes.

Zephaniah smiled, but his cheeks were rosy. "Haven." He said simply. His eyes blinked a little faster, his fingers rapidly fiddling with Cooper's leash.

"I'm so happy you're here!" I cheered, doing a little happy dance. "Thought I promised you the happy dance on text, so, there it was." I chuckled, watching him breathe out a little, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth after that. "Are you feeling alright?"

Zephaniah's eyes roamed around for a while, they landed onto Cooper, eventually. "I am very nervous, but.. uhm, I'm very happy to be here." He stammered out, looking up at me after a brief moment of silence.

"That's okay. I understand it." I gave him a soft smile, hoping my family would make him feel at ease as well, knowing how blunt Jude could be too.

Zephaniah started flapping his hands, but once he noticed I saw it- he hid them behind his back. I frowned a little, reached for his wrist and held it loosely, not wanting to overwhelm him when it came to the stimulus. "You don't have to hide your nerves, Zeph. And you know what? Just be you. My family will love you the way you are."

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