48. numbing journeys

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Suitcase wheels rolling over the floor was the only sound being heard, the sleepiness was still too much present, therefore not many students were talking. I dragged my suitcase behind me as well, searching for Norah and Ittarah in the crowded area- all the Philosophy students that were in their first year would be leaving today.


My heart fluttered, a smile appeared on my face while a contented sigh left my mouth. I had wished my family goodbye already, telling them it would be too busy once the buses full of students would leave. It was probably better like that and besides, I didn't really have trouble saying goodbye.

"Haven!" Norah's voice was heard above the other suitcase and student noises, a few students glaring at her for her loud noise in the early hours. It was only thirty past six, but who would think about time when excitement would take over, right?

I smiled once she stood in front of me, short, deep breaths leaving her mouth as she had jogged over. "Today is the day! Gosh, I can't wait myself." She grinned, pinching my cheek. "Nice beret, the dark red colour fits you."

"Thanks, Norah." I chuckled, starting to jump up and down. "Amsterdam today! Woohoo!"

"For goodness' sake!" Luke sneered at me, giving me a push against my shoulder. "Shut your mouth, Have. It's way too early to be that enthusiastic."

"Not a morning person, I see." I chuckled, twirling around as I started dancing. "Woohoo! Amsterdam, here I come!" I cheered louder, more annoyed students glaring at me, muttering things to their friends. A few shut ups flew through the air, but I couldn't care less. Spreading positivity wasn't a bad thing.

"Have," Norah laughed, getting ahold of my wrist and pulling me closer to her. "You're embarrassing yourself like that. Besides, you've got somebody watching you pretty.. intensely." She pointed at a specific direction and once I looked there, I saw Zephaniah.

The left side of his mouth curled up lightly, his eyes squinting as he laughed. He wore a beanie, the headphones that numbed noises on top of it. Tara stood beside him, her expression looked annoyed. I wondered why, but maybe she was just tired.

Glancing at Zephaniah again, I wondered where he was, it seemed he wasn't standing beside Tara anymore. Moments later, he appeared from behind her, his headphones and beanie off. My heart stopped beating for a brief moment when our eyes met, his ones averting to the floor right after.

His hair was now scissor cut- the sides definitely shorter, the hair on top longer. His fringe was still there, but shorter as well. He had most likely ran his fingers through it, because as it usually rested on his forehead, it was now naturally dishevelled, revealing his face fully- except for a few stubborn strands that still fell down.

It made him look different, more mature. It gave me feelings I didn't know I had inside of me. He was attractive, extremely attractive. The dark colour of his hair yet the bright, strange colour of his eyes not exactly helping my feelings towards him. I realised I had been gazing at him for quite a while, making me feel flustered.

I was quiet, awfully quiet, but my heart thumped louder.

"Have?" Norah chuckled but frowned, it softening when she looked his direction as well. "Goodness. Can't believe he's autistic. He looks so.. normal. He really doesn't look autistic. If that hadn't been the case I would've probably already jumped inside his bed by now."

I gave Norah a deep frown, shook my head and walked my way over to Zephaniah and Tara. Not being able to greet them, I gave them a warm smile instead, my eyes lingering on Zephaniah for another while. He had been aware of my intense staring. He couldn't make eye contact and his own cheeks were lightly flushed pink.

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