36. forbidden libraries

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I felt like hugging mum, she had reserved the table for me and Haven, so we could have our library moment on our usual spot. I needed the calm environment, my spot, at the moment, I needed less stimulus as I had gotten loads in the morning, due to Cooper throwing up again.

Knowing just because I had already gotten much stimulus a hug could be too sensitive to my skin- and therefore hurt me, I hastily pressed a kiss to her cheek instead, giving her a smile, which she returned warmly before waving me off to our spot.

Being the first one gave me time to settle, time to get used to the people that were seated in the library already as well. I observed them, then observed the many books on the shelves, wondering how many books actually existed in the world.

If one book already had so many versions of it itself, then I couldn't imagine how many-

"Zepho!" Haven smiled brightly, her nickname for me making me blush lightly. I didn't know what to say back to her, so I simply gave her a small smile.

We hadn't talked as much yesterday as Monday, it ended up making me feel rather shy all over again at this very moment. Maybe because it had given me time to overthink, to realise I was giving away myself way too much, and way too fast.

But that had happened with mummy Hannah too, right? Dad said the bonding and trusting would be a natural process, like it had been with Mum. I guess I was just tired, my head was rather full.

"How are you?" She asked more calmly, probably noticing my rather reserved behaviour today. I blamed the stimulus. It caused me to get withdrawn, to feel tired.

"Good," I whispered, glancing at her as she took a seat and retrieved her notebook, along with a pen. "Uhm, you?"

"Great! I found out Cookie is actually a girl, when all this time I'd thought it was a boy." Haven chuckled, flipping through her notebook to probably get to the page she had lastly written on.

I lightly smiled at that, opening my notebook. "How did you, uhm, find out?"

"She's pregnant. My cousin has a guinea pig as well, thought it'd be fun to let them meet, though, not for these meanings." Haven laughed softly, I simply smiled, not really understanding what she actually meant. "It's fine, though. She wants the babies."

"Okay," I whispered, frowning when I heard the unfamiliar ticking of a clock. Looking up, I noticed a huge, brand new, clock was hung against the wall, the silence that engulfed us bringing out the sound even more.

It was rather loud, louder than the ticking of the pen that some guy was doing across us. I scanned the area, no other classmates were seen, which made me wonder why. It wasn't like they were always here, but usually they were, as it was our free period.

Glancing at Mum, I blinked my eyes a little faster when she placed a pile of books on the desk a little too loud for my liking, watching the one on top slide off the pile, onto the floor.

Mum glanced at me, she pulled an expression at her little action. It made me smile, and I rested my chin in my hand as I watched her for a while. Her belly was growing rapidly, it scared me. Time flew, I knew within months the baby would be here.


Quickly looking up, Haven was staring right into my eyes, making me look away. "Sorry."

"No need to say so." She smiled, "What'd you see?"

"Uhm," my eyes moved up to the ceiling as I thought about her question, them roaming around for a while. "The clock, it's new, I think?" I hesitated. "Mum and it's not busy here. Our classmates are not here either."

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