5. Nervous

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Okay guys I should be updating a new chapter atleast every day :) Unless I am super busy!! Thanks for reading the book guys, you guys are amazing!! This chapter I dont know what to put in haha but maybe a little different POV's like Jai's :) Sorry about any mistakes, I dont like to recheck what I have written after I have finished writing haha :P I am 2 lazy!!

Carmen's POV

I was just talking to Jai and all of the other people in the group when I see Layla running away and Luke calling out her name. I wanted to know what happened so I went and talked to Luke.

"Hey Luke, um where did Layla go?"

"We were playing 21 questions and I asked her about her siblings and she ran off crying" He said nervously.

"OMG Luke, just dont talk about her family okay she will tell you everything when she is ready but just at the moment, LEAVE IT ALONE!!"

"Okay um we need to go find her"

"Yeah we do, so she went that way?" pointing to the direction of the school.

"Yeah, I feel so bad, I made her cry" Luke said while looking down at the ground.

"It will be fine Luke, I will talk to her just we need to find her right now"

"Okay you head this way and I will head this way" he said while walking in his own direction.

Luke's POV

I can't believe I made her cry, I feel like such a little bitch right now. I dont know what happened with her family but I know it was something really bad. I was just walking through the corridors of the school when I heard loud crying. I looked to where the crying was coming from and saw that it was the girls toilets. I dont know why I did what I did but I had to, I walked straight into the girls toilets. The stall door that the girl's crying was coming from was locked so I knocked on it.

"Hello?" the girl's voice said. And it just wasnt any girl's voice, it was Layla's.

"Layla are you in there?"

"Yeah, but I dont want you to see me like this!"

"Cmon, come out. I wont judge what you look like. You will look beautiful as always" OMG holy crap did I just say that out-loud?

Then the girl's door opened up and Layla was standing there with red, puffy eyes. Her make-up was running down her face. I instantly pulled her into a hug but she just cried even more.

"Shh Layla, its okay. Calm down, deep breaths. Lets get you cleaned up okay?"

She hugged me even tighter, I knew I had to be there to support her but she really needed to clean up her make-up before she went to class. Which would start in about 5-10 minutes. I really didnt want to pull away from her because she smelt so good. That sounds creepy but she had this wonderful smelling perfume on! After a couple of seconds, I pulled away.

"Uh maybe I should get out of the girls bathroom?"

"No stay, Please. If anyone says anything I will take the blame."

"Thanks I guess haha"

She opened her bag and pulled out a little make-up bag.

"Uh Luke can you wet some paper towel for me so I can clean myself up"

"Sure" I wet some paper towel and started wiping the make up off her face.

"Luke, you know you didnt have to wipe it off, I could have done it myself?"

"Ahhhh..... Im sorry"

"Its alright, you did a pretty good job anyways"

She started applying her new make-up. I dont know why she wears it, she is so beautiful without it. Just then the bell went. I had stupid history :(

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