3. School :P

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Okay guys, this chapter will have more information about the story hahaha if that makes sense... Hopefully the boys will be more introduced in this chapter!! Read and enjoy :) And it's gonna hopefully be a long chapter!! How exciting :) Sorry, there might be a few mistakes throughout the story cause I cant be bothered to check for mistakes....

Layla's POV


"Now introducing Layla Carter on the bars" everyone started cheering. This was one of my biggest competitions for gymnastics so far, I was only 13 years old at the time. I was competing on the bars and I was hoping for a top 3 placing. I had been practicing a pretty good routine but I was just a bit worried about my landing, because I had only landed it twice.

I walked up to the bars, did my little bow thing to the judges and the crowd and started my routine. I was halfway through my routine and was feeling pretty good, and I was positive I could stick the landing. I just had to turn around fully on the bar, jump off, do a triple spin in the air and land perfectly. I did the turn on the bar, I jumped off but then I missed one of the turns and only ended up doing 2 1/2 turns. With that I landed awkwardly and fell over. I couldnt feel my body, people started yelling for help but then everything went blurry and I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital and a doctor came into my room.

"Hello Layla, My name is Dr Brown, I am really sorry to inform you but you will no longer be able to perform on the bars for the rest of your gymnastics career."

"What um this is some sort of sick joke right? C'mon guys come out, and tell me this is all some joke, like I have been punk'd or something"

"I am really sorry Layla but this is not a joke"

"What no, you are lying to me"

"I am sorry.."


"It's not your family's fault Layla"

"I told you to get out"

And with that he walked out. I closed my eyes and fell to sleep instantly, I woke up and saw my best friend Carmen in my hospital room.

"Carmen I am so glad to see you, I had this really bad dream that I didnt land my bars routine at the gymnastics competition and I could never do bars again."

"I am really sorry Layla, but that wasnt a nightmare. That really happened."

"What no its not possible. I will get back on the bars, and no one is going to stop me, I dont care what the doctors say, the bars are my life!!"

'End Of Flashback'

I was never the same again, I hadn't been on the bars since that day. I was so happy that I had landed my routine perfectly just before, considering I hadnt been on them for about 4 years. I dont know but I just started to cry, I have had a really tough life, first the incident then my brother leaves without an explanation and then my parents die in a car crash. I never got to say goodbye to any of my family. I haven't seen my brother Sam since he left, we were really close so it was hard for me when he left, It was even harder to lose my parents. Once they died I decided to move in with Carmen, a couple of years later I met Dave at a gymnastics competition and moved to Melbourne to train with him and his squad. Carmen agreed to move with me and that why I love her so much, she has been by my side the whole time, she is basicaly a sister that I never had.

Beep, Beep, Beep. The sound that you never want to hear in the morning, your stupid alarm clock. Yes me and Carmen have school today :( It's our first day of school in Melbourne, even though we have been here for about 1-2 years we have been home-schooled so it is going to be weird going back to normal school with people. We are going to a school called Penola! I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, got undressed and hopped into the shower. I washed my body with this vanilla scent body wash and washed my long blonde hair. I got out of the body feeling refreshed and ready for the first day of school. I walked back to my room, and Carmen was sitting on my bed probably waiting for me to hop out of the shower.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Did you know that we have to wear a gay uniform at this school?"

"Yeah, didnt you read the brochures?"

"No reading is for losers"

"It is not, now get out so I can get ready!"

"Whatever, hurry up" and with that said, she walked out. Finaly some peace and quiet.

I got dressed into my uniform and brushed my hair, I left it out because it was perfectly straight and looked really good out. I put on a tiny bit of make-up, I didnt really need much because I had really good skin. I went downstairs and had my breakfast, which was just a bowl of fruit. I know you think I am probably a healthy freak but I need to stay in shape for gym. Once I finished I went upstairs to brush my teeth and put on some perfume, my perfume smells so good!!

I was all finished and ready to go to school, just as I was about to yell to Carmen to hurry up, she came downstairs.

"DAYUM GIRL, YOU LOOKIN FINE!!" we said at the same time. We started laughing like retards. We finaly calmed down and started to check eachother to see if anything was wrong with how we looked. We were finaly finished and we headed out the door. Lucky I got some money from my parents death cause then I wouldn't have been able to afford this really nice car. You know we have to impress on our first day.

We pulled up into the school parking lot and everyone was staring, we didnt really mind. We hopped out of the car and some of the boys gave us wolf whistles while all of the girls glared at me and Carmen.

We walked to the office to get our timetables and it said that we both had all of the same classes together. Lucky!! We walked to our first class which was English and was surprised when everyone was already in the class and the teacher was talking about everyone's holidays. Suddenly someone yelled out to Carmen to come and sit with them, I looked around and saw 2 boys that looked identical, waving at us and smiling like idiots. We walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hi I am Jai and this is my twin brother Luke, you must be Layla, you are an amazing gymnast"

"Hahaha thanks, how do you know Carmen? And how do you know who I am and that I am a gymnast?"

"Um well I saw you at the gymnastics centre a couple of days ago. And I was talking to Carmen and yeah"

"Uh okay, so you saw everything that happened?"

"Yeah um are you okay, cause like we saw you crying but you left the gym before we could ask?!"

"Yeah I am fine" After I said that, I just turned away and focused on the lesson.

Half way through the lesson something dropped on my desk, I picked it up and it was a note from...... Luke?

Sorry about the boring chapter guys, but I am just trying to get the story started, keep reading and dont give up on me just yet!! The next few chapters should be interesting :) Vote!! And Enjoy xxxxx

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