13. So much drama

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Hello Everyone!! I really enjoyed writing the last chapter!! ;) I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. This chapter will probs be boring :/ Keep reading and VOTE!! Xoxox <3

Jai's POV

Layla had just gone into the kitchen to get something to drink and Beau followed her in there. I was really curious so I went up to the kitchen door to hear what they were talking about. I put my ear to the door but couldn't really hear anything. I opened it and saw Layla and Beau kissing. My heart literally just smashed into a million pieces, I coughed to get their attention and they stopped and looked at me.

"Um I am going home now. Bye" I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed Luke and dragged him outside, slamming the door behind us. We hopped in the car and started driving home

"What the hell is your problem Jai?" Luke yelled

"When I went into the kitchen I saw Beau and Layla kissing!"

"What really?" Luke asked. I looked over at him for a quick second because I was driving and he looked really disappointed.

"Yeah sorry bro, we both really liked her but I guess she just liked Beau better"

For the rest of the trip it was really quiet. When we got home we went straight to our room and went to bed.

Luke's POV

When Jai had told me that he saw Layla and Beau kissing it broke my heart, I really liked Layla but she obviously liked my older brother. As soon as I got home I went straight to bed and listened to music. I needed to figure out a way to get Layla with me but I don't know how?

I wonder what happened with Carmen liking Jai because she seemed pretty comfortable with Sam these past couple of days. I will have to talk to her about it later. I fell to sleep with my headphones in!

Layla's POV

When Jai left the room I quickly let go of Beau and ran towards the front door. Luke was no longer in the house so he probably went with Jai. I started picking up my presents when Beau came into the room.

"Layla do you need any help?"

"Um yes please, can you pick up some presents and take them into my room please?"

"Yeah of course!" He picked up my remaining presents and we started walking to my bedroom. I opened up the door to my room and put the stuff down on my bed. Beau put the stuff that he was holding on the bed and started looking around my room. I had already finished painting it and getting new carpet so all I needed was new furniture and stuff. The room was a mess because of all the stuff that needed throwing out and coming in.

"Beau um can you come over tomorrow so we can go shopping for some new bedroom furniture?"

"Yeah of course babe!"

"Thanks" I said while smiling at him. I looked at the time and it was already 9pm.

"Well I better be going home" he came over and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Bye" we walked downstairs and I thanked him, Skip and James for coming and for the presents. They left and I sat down on the couch.

"So what was all that about?"

"So much drama and it's a really long story"

"We have time.." Sam explained

I explained to them the whole situation that was going on and Carmen came over and hugged me.

"If that Beau boy ever hurts you, he will know about it okay?!" Sam yells

"Yes overprotective brother"

"I just don't want to see my little sister getting hurt" I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you Sam but I can look after myself, I have grown up since the last time you saw me"

As I was walking upstairs Sam called out to me.

"Layla, you might be needing these" he came up to me and gave me the travel books and stuff. I thanked him and continued walking up the stairs carrying everything.

I put all my stuff on the floor along with the stuff that was on my bed and put my pyjamas on. I hopped into bed and was thinking 'This had been the best day ever!'

I woke up the next morning at 10. I got showered and ready and was finished by 11. I called up Beau and he said he would be around at 11:30.

He got here and we left to go to the main furniture shop. We got there and started looking at some furniture, at about 2 o'clock we finished. I had bought a new bed with some blankets and stuff, a comfy seat thingy, a new cupboard to put my clothes in and a massive draw to put all of my books and random stuff in. We put everything in a trailer and drove home, Beau helped me with putting everything up to my room and he helped me set it up the way I wanted it to. Once it was finished we both fell down on my bed, the time was like 5:30 but it was such a tiring job. Beau rolled over to look at me and I did the same, he tucked a bit of hair behind my ear and leaned in and kissed me. I loved kissing Beau so much, he was such a great boyfriend. He rolled on top of me and started rubbing my thighs, his hand got up a bit to high and I wacked it away. He pulled away and apologised.

"Beau I didn't say we couldn't make-out, I just am not ready to go any further yet"

He smiled and hopped back on top of me and started kissing me again. We were making out for like 15 minutes until there was a knock on my bedroom door. I walked over and opened it and there stood Sam, he looked in my room and saw Beau.

"Um hey Beau" He said, he walked in and shook his hand.

"Nice to see you again Sam" Beau said looking nervous. "Um Layla I will see you tomorrow okay? I will probably be taking you to school if that's alright?"

"Yeah that's fine Beau" He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Bye Beau"

"Bye Layla" He left the room, I turned around to talk to Sam.

"Do you need something Sam?"

"Um well I just wanted to have a look at your new room, it looks really good!"

"Uh thanks, I haven't had a chance to look at the travel books, do you maybe want to have a look with me now, if you aren't busy?"

"I would love to" I grabbed the books and sat down next to Sam on the bed.

The rest of the night we were laughing and talking about the trip, it was like we were a proper family again besides not having parents. But I had one problem, who was I going to take on the trip?

Sorry about the boring chapter, nothing really interesting has happened in the book. Next chapter will be a new week at school, will Luke, Jai and Layla still talk? :O The exciting stuff should happen close to when Layla goes to the olympics! :) Keep reading and vote!! <3

-SexyBlonde101 xoxoxoxoxoxo

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