7. Fighting

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So um guys, this is the second chapter that I have written today because I am such a good person!! :) I am basically writing it cause I am bored haha!! Keep reading and don't forget to vote <3 xoxo

Layla's POV

As soon as I left the Brooks house I went staright to the gym, it was the only place where I could think properly. I got to the gym in about 5-10 minutes.

It was about 6-7 o'clock when I got to the gym, there were still people there but most people were leaving. I walked inside and got ready. I don't know why I did it but I went onto the bars. I think I just go on it when I am angry or upset, and they just let me be myself. I was halfway through my routine when I started getting nervous, the doctors words kept on replaying through my mind 'You will no longer be able to perform on the bars for the rest of your gymnastics career.' I wasn't even thinking at this time, I was just thinking about what he said when I felt my feet land against the floor. I was so happy that for the second time, I had landed my routine and did it perfectly.

I packed up all of my things and ran straight back to the Brooks house to tell them the good news.I didn't even bother knocking, I just ran straight in. I was shocked when I ran into the lounge room, I started yelling and crying for them to stop.

Right infront of me was Jai, Luke and Beau all fighting eachother. They were all bloody and had cuts all over their bodies and their clothes were a bit ripped.

"Guys stop fighting please!!"

All of the boys turned their heads and looked at me, they stopped fighting eachother instantly.

"Skip and James you go take Beau into the kitchen and get him cleaned up, I will take Luke and Jai into the bathroom"

"Okay" The boys said at the same time

"C'mon boys, you are coming with me" Because of gym I had a lot of strength so I was fine when the put most of their weight on me.

I dragged the boys to the bathroom.

Beau's POV

'After Layla left!'

"What the hell dude, why did you kiss Layla? What about if she never talks to us again because of you?!" Luke yelled at me

"I am sorry okay, she was right there and she is so beautiful, you would have done the same thing lover boy!?

"Lover Boy?"

"Yeah you obviously love her"

"I don't love her, I only just met her a couple of days ago but yeah I like her. What is the big deal? Well apart from Jai liking her aswell"

"So I guess all 3 brooks brothers like the same girl?" I said

"WHAT!!" Jai and Luke yell at me "You little.... How? When? What? I am so confused right now! Arghhhh!" Jai yells. Him and Luke start arguing with me and then we all just start throwing punches and kicking eachother. Skip and James try and break us up but it doesn't work.

We had been fighting for about 20 minutes when we hear yelling and crying. We all turn our heads and see Layla standing there.

"Guys stop fighting please, Skip and James you take Beau into the kitchen and get him cleaned him, and I will take Luke and Jai into the bathroom" I was really upset that she didn't want to help me, it's probably because of what happened earlier. I really want to talk to her but she wouldn't listen.

She took Jai and Luke to the bathroom, so I went into the kitchen with Skip and James so they could help me get cleaned up before mum got home.

Luke's POV

Layla took us up into our bathroom and sat Jai on the toilet seat while she placed me on the edge of the bathtub. She got out the first aid kit and started cleaning our wounds and bandaging us up. When she finished Jai and I thanked her and got up and started walking towards the bathroom door but she grabbed both of our wrists and turned us around so we were facing her.

"Boys, you go to your room and I will go and get Beau and we are going to have a little talk, okay?" She said.

"Okay Layla" Jai said while looking down at the ground.

Beau's POV

I had just finished being cleaned up and bandaged when I heard someone coming towards the kitchen. The door opened and there stood Layla. She looked beautiful as always but she had so many emotions written over her face.

"Beau um can we talk" She said quietly.

"Yeah sure"

"It's going to be me, you, Jai and Luke"

"Oh" was all I said. We ended up walking in silence until we got to Jai and Luke's room.

Layla's POV

We sat in the boys room for about 5 minutes in silence. I didn't really know what to say and I knew the boys wouldn't start.

"Guys, why were you fighting today?"

"Uh we don't want to tell you" Luke said

"Why wont you tell me? Dont you trust me?"

"Well you have kept stuff from us so why cant we do the same?" Luke said

I was speechless I didn't expect him to say that. "Are you serious Luke!!" I yelled. I nearlly stormed out when I heard Jai say something that made me freeze on the spot.

Jai's POV

I hated seeing her so upset and angry and I knew she was going to find out soon so I just blurted it out.

"Layla, we all like you okay as in more than a friend"

She froze on the spot, when she turned around her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were so big. She was in shock.

"W..Wh.....What??" She said

Hahaha, I am going to be a mean person and leave it there for today, I will probably update the next chapter tomorrow :) How will Layla react? :O But yeah she landed her bars routine for the second time YAY!! Keep reading and dont forget to vote and tell me what you think. Thanks everyone, Love you guys <3 xoxoxoxo -SexyBlonde101

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