24. Twitcams and Meet and Greets

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Okay guys please send in a sex scene to me please, I need one or then I can't write the next chapter of my other story Such A Hard Life. Keep reading and voting!! :)

Layla's POV

It has been about 2 months since I had broken up with Beau, we were sort of friends now but things were still a bit awkward. School is nearly over so that means I am going on my 1 year trip around the world soon, I was actually so excited but I didn't know who to take with me.

Today was a nice sunny Saturday, and I was going to a meet and greet with some of my "fans" and then I might do a twitcam later. I got dressed into a lovely blue dress with brown heels, I put my hair into a ponytail and put on the tiniest bit of makeup and perfume. I went to Melbourne Central because that's where it was being held and I saw heaps of people there. I got organized and sat down at a table where I would be signing stuff.

The people started lining up and the first couple of people came over, there were a bunch of little kids around the age of 8-10 with their parents.

"Hello, what's your names?" I asked them.




"Hello Layla, great job at the Olympics, you did great!" The mum said

"Thank you!"

"No worries, can you please sign some stuff for my kids?"

"Of course" she handed me over some stuff and I signed it all. I gave the little kids a hug each, they were so cute!

The day went by pretty quickly, I got heaps of gifts that people had got for me which was adorable and I got HEAPS of names for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and all these other social networks. I also got heaps of mobile numbers from these dudes that came along. It was cute because they would flirt with me and wink and yeah.

I was so tired at the end of the day, my hands were so sore from signing heaps of stuff. I packed everything into the car and drive home, I set up my laptop and started the twitcam. There were heaps of people watching.

"Hi everyone, I'm Layla Carter, if you don't know who I am. I won 2 medals at the Olympic Games in Rio!"

"Okay so someone asked why I broke up with Beau. Well I can't actually tell you guys what happened cause that is between me and Beau, but lets just say that he did something stupid"

"Someone else asked what is happening with me and Tom Daley? Alrighty well Tom helped me get over my break up with Beau, we are only friends but our friendship is special, because we kiss. He is like my bestest friend so yeah"

"Can you prank call someone? Who should I prank call?"

"Okay someone suggested Daniel (Skip) let's just hope he isn't watching this"

'Hello is this Daniel?'

'Yeah who is this?'

'This is Lee from ShittyWok, may I take your order please?'

'Um no thanks'

'Okay so you want your fry chicken with spicy sauce. You can also get that with fry dog for only 4.99! Very good deal, you should take it'

'Um no thank you'

'Then why you call and no want food?'

'You called me?'

'No you call me and order chicken!'

'I got to go now, bye!'


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