1.2 - Moving In - Waffles

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Liam's POV

'Who was that?' Louis asks, walking into the kitchen.

'That is Jessica. Well, Jess. My new neighbour, next door!'


'Yeah, she's also very sweet, sort of funny. But she's also new to the city, with a little social anxiety, I guess? She's the kind of person when you see her, you can't help but feeling like you want to help her, do anything just to make her happy. She seems sad, well no, most of the time emotionless, but the look in her eyes has some kind of sadness in them you know? And when she smiles... Her smile is just beautiful and it makes you wonder why isn't it there more often.'

'Wow! Someone has a crush!'

'What? No! Of course not! She's just intriguing. And! She helped me cook our dinner. So be nice!'


After we're done eating and catching up, he opens the subject again.

'So you don't have any feelings for her?'

'Mate, I met her less than a week ago!'

'Not an excuse!'

'Okay, I don't have feelings for her. I just want to be friends with her.'

'Good! Cause you know who she would be perfect for?'

I think for a second. Hmm, brown hair, brown eyes.

'Oh god! Louis, no! Leave it alone!'

'Why not! She's perfect for Niall! He's been single for a while!'

'He's not interested in dating! He's told you that a million times already and you keep trying setting him up with girls! Leave the poor guy alone!'

'Fine! But, Just saying, next week he's in London. We should do something. We're all here, the four of us. It would be nice to catch up.'

'Alright. Set it up?' I ask him.

'Yeah! We should do it here though. And you know, maybe knock next door.'

'You're not gonna let this go, are you?'

'I'll let it go if you tell me you have a thing for her. Then  I'll fix you two up.'

'I'm not interested in her that way.'

'Then some Irish lad might. Come on, what's the worse thing that could happen? We need more love around here!'

'Fine! You're clearly not letting this go. So might as well have a say in it. How do you suggest we do this?'

'Okay, tomorrow morning, we'll do waffles for breakfast and we'll invite her. While chatting we'll try to figure out if she's compatible with Niall. Any idea when she wakes up?'

'Well, weekdays she wakes up very early because of work. But tomorrow's Sunday, So she's probably sleeping in.'

'Okay. Well, If she's not awake by 10:30 in the morning we invite her for Lunch. How do you know she's awake though? And do you have her phone number?'

'No, I don't. And she opens the stores to her sitting room. I can hear them squeaking every morning. That's how I usually know she's awake.'

'Not creepy at all! Please tell me you're not peeping from your window into hers!'

'What? No! Why would I do that!'

'Anyway, so she comes over tomorrow. We start our investigations.' 

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