7.3 - Trial and Error - Date

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Jess' POV

I get home at 6:40 PM. I hope Ashton's not mad.

'Hey, babe! So sorry I'm late! Just give me 15 minutes I'll just change and put some makeup and I'll be ready to go!'

I give him a quick peck on his lips before running to the bedroom to get ready for the date, not giving him the chance to speak.

He follows me to the bedroom to get changed himself.

'So what was wrong with Niall?' He asks me in a neutral tone.

'Writer's block.'

'Ouch. Yeah, those are annoying. And were you able to help?'

'Yeah! We wrote a song together!' I say excitingly.

'What?' He half shouts.

'We wrote a song?'

'Yeah, I heard. Why when I tell you to come with me to the studio you always say no? But with Niall, you go to his house and you write a song together!'

'What's the big deal? Also, I don't come with you because I don't want to annoy anyone. Besides, you guys were done writing, you were recording there wasn't much for me to do! It just happened spontaneously.'

'Okay. Fine. What's the song about?'

'Well, it's not complete. But it's about a person who has lost a lot and is in a really bad place mentally and is trying to deal with it and get out of the darkness.'

'That... is, deep! And not at all what I expected.'

'Why what did you expect? A sad love ballad about a lost love? Or maybe a song about how he's planning on stealing his friend's girlfriend who also happened to be his best friend!'

'Okay, calm down! Don't get all defensive! I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. Can we finish getting ready so that I can take you out and have a good time?'


'I said I'm sorry! Why are you still upset?'

I pout at him hinting that I want a kiss and he catches on, giving me what I'm asking for.

'Come on, we gotta hurry. I have reservations in a nice restaurant at 7:30 PM.'

Ashton's POV

We get to the restaurant and order. Things have been kinda silent since we left the house. I don't want her to know that the negative thoughts are eating me up on the inside, cause I'm really trying to be supportive of her friendship with Niall because that's all it is, a friendship. 

I can't believe she's leaving in a couple of days. I feel like I'm losing her. I'm not so good at handling long-distance relationship, and I really don't understand why she wants to leave so badly. But I don't want to force her to stay. Because that will only get us to break up. But what if, with long distance, we grow apart and eventually break up? Is our relationship doomed to end? I don't like this. I really love her, I don't want this to end. But I'm starting to feel like it's inevitable. And I'm trying to fight it, but what's the point of fighting for something that's not gonna stay? She's been more and more distant in the last 2 weeks. I don't want to blame it on Niall. It's not on him. But I thought we worked through our problems. I thought things should get better now. But it doesn't feel like it's getting any better. The spark we felt in our first days together, it's fading away. And considering that we've only been together for 2 months... It's kinda upsetting.

'Babe, what's wrong? You seem distracted.' She asks me before taking a bite of the food that's just arrived.

'It's nothing... Don't worry about it.'

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