9.2 - Redemption - Paynt

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Jess' POV

I get back to my flat, and before I even get the chance to open the front door, Liam comes out of his flat and just hug me out of the blue.

'I was so worried! Where were you! I woke up, you weren't there, or in your flat. I tried calling you but you were completely out of reach! I even looked in the usual places you hang out in and your supermarket and everywhere! Where were you?'

'Relax Liam, I'm okay. I just needed to get out.'

'But why didn't you wake me up? Or at least told me...'

'Honestly, I was embarrassed by last night. And I couldn't really handle seeing you without wanted to run like hell and never look back.'

'Hey, it's okay! It's not that bad! If it makes you feel better, we can forget it happened.'

'Yes, thank you! That'd be great!'

'Great! So Breakfast?'

'Already ate. Come on in, tho. I want to show you something.'

'Sure but can I eat first? I was kinda busy looking for you, didn't eat anything yet.'

'Of course! Sorry! I'll put the kettle on, you go get whatever you need and come. I'll be in the kitchen.'

As the water starts boiling, he comes in. I finish making the tea and then we both sit around the kitchen island.

'So? What is it you wanted to show me?'

'Right! So I'm going to redo the house! I want to paint all the walls, change the kitchen cabinets, change all the furniture in the house! So I might need your help, or at least find me an interior designer to do that.'

'Why though?'

'I need to change it, make it more like me. And less like my memories with Ashton and Niall. I need a change of scenery without having to move because I actually love it here!'

'Yeah, fair enough. I know someone.  But hey, while we're at it, wanna try doing it ourselves? It would be fun. Oh! I mean you can totally say no! But, now that I'm getting rather good at drawing, can I maybe draw something on the wall. If you don't like it we can paint over it.'

'I actually like that Idea! A Paynting in my sitting room! You know... With a Y, because you're Liam Payne!'

He shakes his head sighing, 'Wow! That was soo lamee!!'

'Sorry, had to! It was right there screaming at me in the face! Had to say it!'

'No!! You really didn't have to!'

'Well, too late now!'

'You probably shouldn't stay here while we're painting, it's gonna take a few days to finish the whole flat.'

'Yeah, I'll go to a hotel or something.'

'What? No! Absolutely not! I have a guest room! You'll stay with me. It would be so much easier! It's right next door!'

'I don't want to intrude or bother you!'

'You never bother me! I'm not letting you stay in a hotel room. It's out of the question.'

'Alright. Thank you.'

Liam's POV

The next few days we spend them fully invested in the remodelling. Thankfully I have a few days off before I need to go to LA for work. We go shopping for furniture, spend hours painting the walls. Of course, professionals are looking over us and doing most of the work or else it would be a disaster, but honestly, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I spend an entire morning drawing on the wall, but I was instructed to do it with a pencil over the white wall and afterwards, A special artist would come and do the colouring. I decide to draw something a bit different than what I usually do, something soothing a calming, something with more natural elements in it.

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