Chapter Seven: Trial and Error - Coping

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 Jess' POV

The boys are throwing a party at Luke's to celebrate finishing their album. The release isn't for a few months though. Lot's of famous friends are invited, but most importantly Niall showed up. And now that Ashton and I are on better terms and he's not as threatened by him as before, it's not awkward anymore. So I have to divide my time at the party between hanging out with Ashton and whoever he'd be talking to, and hanging out with Niall.

Even though things are better now, I can still see Ashton softly glaring at us from a distance whenever I'm talking to Niall. I always smile at him to reassure him. It calms him down for a short while. But every time he finishes his conversation with a group of people, he comes back to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and dragging me to talk to other people. I don't mind, to be honest, it's not like he's being mean or impolite about it. 

Halfway through the party, I start feeling suffocated, it's too crowded and too loud I need some time alone.

Ashton's POV

I'm looking for Jess but she doesn't seem to be anywhere in this room. Instinctively, I look for Niall, if she's not with me or the boys, she's with him. But when I find him, she's not with him either.

'Hey, Niall. Have you seen Jessie?' I ask him.

'Jess? No. I thought she was with you.'

'Well, she's not. I'm gonna look for her. Thanks, man.'

'Need some help?'

'No I got it.'

'It would go faster. What if something's wrong?'

'Fine. I'll take the top floor and you look here?'

'Sure. Text me if you find her.'

'Yeah, you too.'

We separate and I run up the stairs, and just when I was about to give up, I thought to look on the rooftop.

'Hey. Are you okay? What are you doing here alone in the dark?' I ask her wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

'It was too crowded and loud downstairs. I wasn't feeling good. Thought I'd come out here to get some fresh air.'

'Is that it? Anything else on your mind?'

'No, just tired I guess. Are you okay? With the whole Niall thing. Him being here, me spending time with him?'

'Yeah, I guess. I mean I'm still keeping my eye on him. But it's not as tense as before.'

'That's good. I really don't want to affect your friendship with him. I'd hate myself for it.'

'Don't worry about a thing baby. Everything is okay.'

'Thanks, Ash.'

'Wanna come down or wanna stay here?'

'Let's just stay here. They're not going anywhere.'

With one hand on my cheek and the other running through my hair, she pulls me closer to her into a kiss. We stay in this moment, wrapped up in our own world, forgetting about everything around us until we get interrupted.

'Oh... good you found her... Right... I'll leave you to it then.' Niall mumbles before he leaves.

'What was that about?' She asks me confused.

'Oh, well I kind of panicked a little when I didn't find you anywhere. I thought you'd be with Niall, so I looked for him but you weren't there. He offered to help so we could find you faster and I was supposed to let him know if I find you. I forgot so I guess I got him worried or something. Anyway where we?'

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