2.4 - Unblock - Bestie

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Jess' POV

We've been spending lots of time together, Niall and I. On the outside things are good, on the inside, it's getting there... it's frustrating not knowing what's on Niall's mind. But I guess I have to accept that for now, I'm his friend. Like Louis said. I have to be patient. Once Niall is done sorting everything out, I might have a chance to be more than just a friend to him.

It's his last night in London before he goes back to LA. I thought he'd be out with his friends but instead, at exactly 4 PM he shows up at my door.

'Didn't expect to see you here today.'

'Jess, I'm not going to LA without telling you goodbye!'

'Aww! That's so sweet! You came all the way here just to say goodbye!'

'Well, not just that. I was hoping we could hang out. I brought my guitar!'

'One of your guitars' I correct teasingly letting him in.

'Not just any one of them! It's your favourite!'

'You brought an electric guitar here?'

'Oh, well your second favourite!'

'Ohh the acoustic you play fool's gold on?!'

'Yeah! You told me that was your favourite song so I assumed that this guitar would be your favourite. Clearly, I was wrong! Which one is your favourite then?'

'The red one you play On The Loose with!'

'That is a good one! I love it! Everything just sounds better on it!'

'And add to that, everything sounds better when you play it! Perfect combo!'

'Thank you!'

'I thought there's no such thing between friends! Or does it only go one way?'

'Yeah, you're right. Glad you're enjoying my work then.'

'So what do you want to do?'

'Same as before, just eat, talk, jam, while watching something on the TV?'

'Yeah sounds good.'

After ordering food, singing a few songs, the food gets here and we eat while chatting.

'So I wrote some more the other day.' I tell Niall.

'Yeah? How's it going? Still random? Or did you find a story?'

'No I think I might've found something.'

'Are you gonna tell me about it?'

'Not a chance!' I tease.

I actually decided to write about my relationship with Niall. If it's not gonna happen in real life, might as well make it happen in an imaginary world in a book. They want a bestseller? I'll write the next romantic comedy of the year. Or just I don't know a book that may or may not be published. I don't know if I'm good enough.

'What's wrong?' Niall asks me.

'What if I'm not good enough? What if, the reason I can't come up with anything good enough is that I'm simply not good enough?'

'That is so not true! Jess, you're an incredible writer! You just lost your way a little. It's normal when you're in a transitional phase. But now that you're settling in here, slowly you'll find your way back. I hope I at least helped a little.'

'You did! You helped a lot! If it wasn't for you, well not just you, the four of you, but you specifically,  I would've been so depressed. I'm really thankful for everything that has happened ever since I moved here.'

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