9.4 - Redemption - Wonderwall

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Niall's POV

The rest of the week went by quick and it's finally Saturday. A day off. And now that Jess and I are on speaking terms, all I want to do is go to her flat and hang out with her. But I don't feel comfortable showing up unannounced just yet. So I'm gonna call her and check if she's free.

I wait a while and I was about to hang up when she finally picks up.

'Hello?' A very sleepy Jess answers.

'Did I wake you up? It's half past noon!'

'Yes! I got home at 4 AM last night. So exhausted.'

'Why were you out till 4!'

'Why do you care? Sorry... I mean... New job. Was working an event, a party. So it went a bit late.'

'Oh, you didn't tell me.'

'You didn't ask!'

'Okay! Cranky Jess it is! Sorry about that. If you're free today, make it up to you with breakfast?'

'Yes, please!! Thank you! You're the best!' She says excitedly. I guess that woke her up!

'Any requests.'

'Surprise me! But something sweet, with a cold coffee drink but not iced coffee.'


'Oh and don't forget the-'

'Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream! How can I!' I chuckle.

Jess' POV

Why did he have to come on Saturday morning! I mean It's my fault I overslept! I can't let him in in this mess! Okay, he's not too far, I have at best half an hour, hoping there a bit of a queue at the coffee shop or whatever. I quickly clean and tidy around the sitting room since it's the only place we hang out it. I finish in 10 minutes and then I take a quick shower, change into regular clothes, not pyjamas and braid my hair into two low braids. As soon as I'm ready, like clockwork, Niall is here.

'Good morning! Really? I expected messy hair and PJs! And here I thought you're too sleepy to function!' He teases.

'Just go in!' I chuckle, shaking my head.

I help him carry the food and drinks he bought and put the ice cream in the freezer, then lead him to the sitting room.

He's looking around the flat, at first lost and confused. 

'You redecorated? Why? What was wrong with the way it was? I mean this looks good. I just, it's gonna take some getting used to.'

'After everything that happened I hated being here. I felt like this place was haunted... By Ashton, you, even me. And I didn't want to move because I like living next door to Liam, so we redid the whole place to look like a new home that's more like me.'

'Yeah, I get it I guess. I like it.'

Then as soon as he's in the sitting room, the expression on his face turns into amazement.

'Wow! Who did this? It's beautiful!' He asks referring to the wall drawing Liam did.

'Liam drew it, and someone painted it with the colours and the effect.'

'It's beautiful! No wonder you're so peaceful lately! This whole room actually, it's really calming.'

'It is. I love it here.'

'Me too! I actually might not leave this room ever! Well, till later tonight, or tomorrow morning. Or till you kick me out again!'

'Wow, really?'

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