10.4 - Happy - So Long

385 13 14

Jess' POV

'Hey, Jess! Where are you?' Niall asks me over the phone.

'I'm at home, well, you know... your house. Why?'

'I heard Louis' in town. If you're free and bored, go see him. It's better than staying alone, right?'

'Yeah, I guess. But what if he's busy?'

'Call him.'

'Alright. How's London? You're coming back tomorrow right?'

'Yeah, tomorrow night. Finally! It's so weird being here without you. How's the movie going?'

'Great! Halfway done with the shooting. But I'm gonna have to stick around for post-production. So will still be here a while.'

'That's good though right? I know you miss London, but it's not that bad in LA either.'

'Well... it kinda is when you're not here...'

'Does that have to do anything with running into Ashton the other day?'

'I was wondering how long it'll take you to bring that up!' I chuckle.

'Well... I was giving you a chance to tell me myself instead of finding out from random media online.'

'Maybe I did it on purpose...'

'You're hiding something from me on purpose?'

'No, not hiding... I mean I knew you'd find out. I just wanted you to find out from the media.'

'But why? I don't understand...'

'Just to see how you'd react?'

'So you're trying to make me jealous? Is that it? Jess-'

'No! Not trying to make you jealous. That's so stupid and childish. I ran into him. it was random. But... When I was with him, and he'd see articles about you and me, he'd react badly, get mad or upset, and towards the end, he believed them even though he promised he'd never do that. I just wanted to see for myself if you'd do something along those lines.'

'Ohh!! Yeah, I get it now. Don't worry, I'm not mad or upset or anything. Not that they said anything I'd be upset about. They're just speculating whether you two are back together or not. I trust you, I'd always ask about things before I jump to conclusions. Don't worry about that.'

'Alright. Well, I'm gonna call Louis now. We'll talk later and I'll see you tomorrow.'

Niall's POV

I hang up the phone and walk back to the sofa.

'She's gonna call you now. Remember, keep her here till 5:30 ish. She should be back home by 6. That gives me 5 hours to prepare everything!'

'I can't believe you're finally gonna do this! Wait shh! She's calling. Hey Jess! Long time no talk! What's up?'

He puts her on speakerphone.

'Hey, Louis! Niall told me you were in LA?'

'Yeah, yeah. I am! Had some work to do and someone to see. Are you still here?'

'Yeah, sticking around for a while!'

'Awesome! you should come over! I miss you! I haven't seen you in a while.'

'Yeah, I miss you too. When are you free?' She asks him.

'Now. I have all afternoon. Come over. I'm waiting.'

'Are you sure? I won't be bothering?'

'Not at all!'

'Alright, I'll be there soon.'

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