3.3 - Summer - Lunch

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Liam's POV

Tommo and I are in the studio writing a song but we're not getting any work done.

'How's Jess by the way? Haven't seen her in a while! Since Niall left I think? Is she okay?'

'You don't know do you?'

'No! Tell me.'

I catch him up with all of what's been happening over the last two weeks.

'Niall you idiot! I don't get why he's so stubborn. I don't blame her really. It's not fair for her to stay attached to him hoping he'll change his mind. It's a shame really, they would've been great together. Can't force love, can you...'

'I told you, we shouldn't have meddled.'

'Yeah, yeah, whatever. So she's with Ashton now?' Louis asks me.

'Well no, she's taking her time. I told her that she shouldn't rush into anything. I don't want her to rebound on Ashton. He deserves better than that.'

'Well, she gotta move on somehow. If she really likes him then there's nothing wrong with that.'

'I don't know. Anyway, wanna take a lunch break?' I ask.

'Yeah, I could eat. Oh! I know! Let's go to the restaurant where Jess works! I miss her. What time does she go off?'

'At 2 it's still noon we can still catch her.'

While walking out of the studio, we run into the boys from 5sos who were on their way to lunch too.

'Hey. boys! Haven't seen you in forever! How've you been!' Louis hugged them and I did the same.

'We're great! What about you?' Michael asks Louis.

'I'm good! Hey, wanna join us for lunch? We could catch up, it would be fun!'

They look at each other and quickly agrees. We ride separately in two cars.

'What are you doing Tommo?'

'I have no idea what you're talking about!'

'You didn't learn from the first time! Stop meddling. It'll only end up badly.'

'I just invited friends for lunch. I don't know what you're fussing about.'

We get to the restaurant, park the cars, and then go inside. The hostess shows us to our booth for 6 people, gives us all menus and before she left she says 'Jessica will be your waitress for today!'

'Perfect! Thank you!' Louis says smiling and I shake my head. 

This is a bad idea.

Jess' POV

'Oh my god! Jess! You'll never believe who's sitting on one of your tables!' Anna, one of my co-workers tells me jumping up and down.

'Who?' I chuckle scanning the room.

'Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and the guys from 5 Seconds of Summer!'

'What?' I ask looking at her wide-eyed, then searching through my tables, then locking eyes with Louis. He looks straight at me with a smirk on his face. What's that about?

'Why are you still standing here! Go take their order or something! Talk to them!'

'Oh, right! Sorry.'

They don't know at work that I know them personally. I didn't tell anyone actually. It's none of anyone's business anyway.

'Hi, guys!' I greet the group.

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