10.3 - Happy - Better

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Jess' POV

Niall went back to LA, but I'm following him there soon, as soon as the paperwork is done. Within a week, I'm all packed and ready to go back there and make more of my dreams come true.

A tiring long flight later, I finally get to the city that I once grew to dislike and now I'm excited about. But from the first week, I start noticing the differences between before and now. Maybe it's because we're still at the beginning, everything is happy, everything is easy. But Niall and I being best friends instead of in a relationship, things seemed to be more fluent? I don't really understand why it's different. It just feels more right. I mind being out less, there's nothing to worry about. Fewer complications, and less overthinking. 

Besides, it helps a lot that my days are busy with the movie, between preproduction and the actual shooting. It's a little different, I've been used to working alone most of the time, writing is a very personal activity. This is a whole new dynamic. I've been isolated for a really long time during the writing process of my first book. But thanks to Liam and his social skills, I'm more comfortable with interacting with new people without getting anxious. I'm actually enjoying myself.

I finish from the set one late night, I get back home, well to Niall's house, around half past 11 PM.

'I mean you could've sent a message...' Niall complain.


'I was starting to get worried! You should've told me that you were gonna be late.'

'Sorry... things got pretty busy and I forgot myself.'

'It's fine, I just was thinking we could do something, but it's too late for that now.'

'I'm really sorry. I should've thought about letting you know. I just got caught up in myself and didn't think about anything else or that you might be worried.'

'Hey, It's okay. I just got a bit cranky. It's fine, I understand unexpected late hours. Don't worry about it.'

He stands up and walks towards me, lifts my head up looking at me sweetly then pull me into a hug. 

'Are you going to sleep?' He asks me in a sad tone.

'Not sleepy. Actually starving! Haven't eaten anything since breakfast!'

'What?' He almost shouts.

Niall's POV

I take her hand and drag her to the kitchen, make sure she's well seated on the table, and go straight to the fridge and take anything I can see out.

'Niall! Stop!' She chuckles, 'I'm not eating all of that!'

'You'll eat till you're full! You're under my roof now. My responsibility! Please don't go down that road. If there's anything bothering you please talk to me about it. I need you to be healthy. I'm sorry if I'm being pushy about this, I'm just worried about you. I know I should be strong to be able to support you and help you through this, but honestly, I don't think I can handle seeing you starve yourself like that. Please, Princess, just don't skip meals again. And eat something, anything. Just don't skip meals.'

'Wow, okay Niall! Relax! It's nothing like that! I just lost track of time and didn't notice that I haven't eaten anything till I was done with work!' She tries reassuring me and makes a sandwich with some of the random ingredients in front of us.

'If it makes you feel better, If I do go through any tough time, whatever it is, whatever the cause, I'll always come to you first and talk to you about it.'

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