10.2 - Happy - Movie

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Niall's POV

A buzzing noise followed by movement and a cool breeze wake me up but I don't want to just yet so I just stir slightly whining and try to go back to sleep. I was about to, but a soft hand starts stroking my forearm and a familiar warm soothing voice whispers.

'Niall! Wake up!'

'No! Five more minutes!' I whine burying my head into the pillow.


Wait, That's Jess' voice! Why am I waking up to Jess? Am I dreaming? I turn my face to look at her with minimal movements.

'Jess? What are you doing here?' I ask.

'Well, it's my house, my sitting room...'

'What?' I turn and sit up, taking in my surroundings.

Yupp, that's Jess' sitting room. I'm so confused.

'We fell asleep during movie night.' She explains.

'Oh my god!' I sigh.

'What?' She chuckles.

'Nothing, I just felt a bit old suddenly. We can't even go through a movie night without falling asleep randomly!'

'You're just cranky cause I woke you up!'

'No, I'm cranky cause I'm awake at...' I grab my phone from the table and check the time, 'Not even half past 8 AM! Why!! It's my day off and we don't have anything planned! Why!!'

'I don't like this any more than you do! A phone call woke me up.'

'Who's calling this early?'

'My publishers.'

'Oh?' I sit more straight and move the blankets away to let her sit next to me.

'Apparently, there's a producer who contacted them and is interested in adapting my first book into a movie!'

'Jess! Oh my god! This is amazing! But how serious is it? I mean is it just talks or did he actually make an offer?'

'He made an offer, they're negotiating the business details, but they just wanted to let me know and check if I'm okay with it.'

'And you said yes right?'

'Of course! Once the contract is written I'll look over it, if I have any comments. And then we all sign!'

'That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! We should celebrate!'

'Yeah! We should! What do you suggest?'

I wrap one arm around her waist, and with the other one, I grab the blankets, pull her into me as I lay back down.

'I suggest we go back to sleep because it's way too early to be doing anything!'

As I'm laying on my back, she's resting her head on my chest. Our breathing steadied down from all the excitement. I close my eyes feeling the sleepiness taking me back. I lift my head up slightly, leaving a kiss on the top of her head. Then relax again into the soft pillow ready to fall back asleep.

'Hey, Niall?'


'Going back to LA in a few days right? How long are you staying there?'

'Yeah, a while might have a few trips here, but most of my time is there. Why?' I mumble.

'Well, if everything goes well with the producers, I'm gonna have to stay in LA if I want to be involved in the making of the movie.

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