3.2 - Summer - Studio

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Liam's POV

I run into Jess in the hallway on my way out.

'Just got back from work?' I ask her.

'Yeah. What's up?'

'Wanna come with me?'

'Where?' She asks me.

'To the studio!'

'Wow, really you can take me?'

'If you keep everything that happens in the studio a secret yes definitely.'

'Yeah! Of course! Can I just change my top?'

'Sure, but hurry.'

We go to the studio, thankfully we weren't late, but everyone's here already.

'What are they doing here?' Jess whispers to me.

'I'm writing a song with them but nobody can know for now.'

She nods smiling and I notice her eyes searching around the room, not resting until they find Ashton on the other side of the room, leaning on the wall focused on his phone. A curious smile drawing on her face. I wonder what's that about.

I go sit with the guys as we directly dive in talking about the new track.

'Why are you still standing over there? Come sit here with us!' Mike says to Jess patting the empty chair next to him.

Jess' POV

'I just don't want to bother or anything.'

'Oh, Hey! Didn't know Jessie is here!' Ash exclaims, walking over to where I was. 'How are you today, beautiful?'

I look at him slightly confused as to why his arm is around my shoulders and why he's calling me that.

'I'm good thanks? How are you?'

'I'm great! Better now.'

We sit, and I direct my attention to the conversation that's happening between Liam, Luke and Mike.

'Okay, so Ash and Cal, you get started on the recording, while Liam and us work out' the last details of the lyrics?'

'Yeah, sounds good!' Calum says.

'Wanna come watch?' Ash asks me.

'I think I'm gonna stay with Liam and the guys.' I tease.

'I'm sure your writing skills could come in handy in songwriting, but I'd rather have you watch me while I'm drumming instead.'

'Hmm, I don't know, I might distract you too much and you'll miss your time, and you'll have to repeat the recording like 10 times.'

'You underestimate my powers!'

'Whatever you say Super Saiyan! Go to work.'

He gently grabs my arm and drags me to where they will be recording. I sit in front of the glass, and watch him and Calum on the other side, getting ready to start recording. Since it's just the rhythmic section of the song, it doesn't sound like much. But I enjoy watching how passionate Ash is when he's drumming. It's just so beautiful to watch.

After two or three takes, they're done for now. They come out of the recording booth.

'So? Like what you saw?' Ash asks me.

'Meh... Wasn't that impressed. I mean there wasn't much to do.'

'Excuse me? Do you realise how important what we just did is?'

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