Chapter Five: Sunny - Breakfast

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Jess' POV

I wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked and an empty cold space next to me. I reluctantly get out of bed, I still feel like I need more sleep. I throw on the first top I see through the clothes scattered on the floor, which happened to be Ashton's T-Shirt. I make my way to the kitchen and there I find Ash setting up plates on the kitchen counter. 

'Good morning baby!' He opens his arm waiting for a hug.

I throw myself into them, wrapping my mine around his waist, resting my head on his chest.

'Good morning!' I mumble.

We sit on the table and start eating in silence.

'So I had a dream you were in last night.' Ash suddenly speaks up.

'Yeah? What happened?'

'I was in LA and then when I went back home from work, you were there, in my house. And it just makes me think. Why don't you come with me to LA?'

I take my plate and go to the sitting room. It's not like it's gonna change anything or stop this conversation because he just follows me there.

'I don't know Ash. I have things to do here...'

'No you don't! We both know you don't need to work in that restaurant. You just do it to fill up your time. You can quit and come with me!'

'And then what? We live together and then you leave me alone in a city I didn't ask to be in while you tour the world?'

'You can always come with me on tour...'

'Yeah, it doesn't work that way. I'm not some shirt you just pack in your suitcase and drag it along with you wherever you go!'

'I didn't mean it that way! I'm just saying, you don't have to be in one place to write your book. Besides, visiting different places and cultures could inspire you! I'm not just asking you to come with me for my own benefit.'

'I just don't feel comfortable with that.'

'Why not?' He asks.

'Because I feel like I'm giving up my life, my identity to become a part of yours. I just don't want to wake up one day I find myself having lost everything.'

'Okay, fair enough. How about this, You come with me to LA, for a month, and then you come back here. It would be like a nice long vacation.'

'A vacation. And then I'll come back here and we'll try the long distance thing.'

'Yeah. I just don't think it's fair for us to spend time apart this early on.'

'True. Alright! When do we leave?'

'Tomorrow! You should probably start packing.'

'I just have to talk to Liam first.'

We finish breakfast and then I change and make my way to Liam's. A short moment after I knocked, Liam opens the door letting me in.

'So, umm, there have been some events in the last few hours and I thought I should let you know.' I start.


'So umm, first things first, Ashton and I... well we're together now... like we're in a real relationship we're not just messing around or hanging out or whatever.'

'That's nice I guess? Congrats!' He mumbles.

'The second thing. And unlike you, who went to Tokyo for a week and didn't even think of telling me and I was worried sick when you were unreachable, I'm giving you a heads up. I'm going to be in LA the next few weeks.'

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