1.4 - Moving In - Luck

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Jess' POV

I was hanging out at home on Tuesday, just like every other day, when the doorbell rings.

'Niall! Hi!'

'Hey! Sorry to bother you! I came to see Liam but it doesn't seem like he's home.'

'Oh. Did you call him before you came?'

'Not really... He told me I can pass by any time I want. So I assumed he'd be here...'

'Oh, well bad luck... You got me instead! Wanna come in and wait for him here?'

'Yeah, sure!' He enters and I close the door behind him.

'Oh, and by the way, it's definitely not bad luck! I get to see you and hang out with you and that's always a good thing!' He adds and I can feel my cheeks blushing.

'Thanks, Niall! Are you hungry? I just finished eating dinner and there's still some leftover. I can heat it up for you.'

'No you don't have to, I'm sure you'll need them later on. I can just order something.'

'Yeah, I'm not letting you eat fast food when there's good homemade food in the fridge begging to be eaten!' I joke.

'Well, how about both? We order something for the both of us and while it gets here, I raid your fridge!'

'Yeah, we can do that too!' I chuckle.

We sit on the kitchen island, we order all kinds of starters from a restaurant nearby, and while waiting, he eats the chicken curry with rice that I made earlier today.

'Oh my god, Jess! This is amazing! You cooked it yourself?'

'Yeah! I love cooking! And I love chicken! So you're welcome!'

'See, this is not fair for the other chicken curries of the world. I will never enjoy a dish of chicken curry because none of them will be as good as this one!'

'You're exaggerating! It's still chicken! Chicken is always good!'

'Yeah but this is like superior!'

'Thank you! And sorry I guess!' I chuckle, 'But on the plus side! Whenever you'll be eating this anywhere else, you'll be thinking of me.'

Why did I say that! That is so stupid! Now he'll think I'm full of myself.

'That is true! And it is definitely a plus side. Anyway, tell me more about you. Tell me something, Liam and Louis don't know.'

'Okay? Umm... they know a lot already, it's so easy talking to them. And I don't know about you, but whenever anyone asks me to tell them anything about me, my mind goes blank. Like Who am I? I don't know!!'

We laugh at this and Niall says, 'I know the feeling! Imagine getting that feeling in the middle of an interview! 10 times worse! Would it be easier if I asked you questions?'

'Yeah! Much!'

'Alright, Liam told me that you like singing, but when they asked you to sing you wouldn't, why?'

'Well, other than I'm a shy person, especially when it comes to singing in front of people. You guys are professional singers, so it feels like no matter how good I am I'll never be as good as you. Besides, Louis is a judge in a popular singing competition and Liam helped him on judges house! It was too nerve-wracking.'

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